Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 6, for whom does Leaphorn feel an amused attraction?
2. What was the secret name given to Nashibitti at the Night Way Ceremonial?
3. Whom does Leaphorn leave Cecil with after the death of Shorty Bowlegs?
4. In Chapter 9, Leaphorn deduces that a horse is missing. Who has it?
5. Who believes that something was hunting George Bowlegs?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the vehicle that Leaphorn travels in.
2. Leaphorn talks to young Navajo neighbors of the commune about its inhabitants. What information do they give Leaphorn?
3. Leaphorn believes that George Bowlegs can survive easily enough in the wild until the snow comes. How does Leaphorn expect George to survive?
4. What has George taken from his hogan besides the clothing and the horse, according to his brother?
5. Why does Cecil Bowlegs call Leaphorn "uncle"? Are they related?
6. What had George asked of Susanne the last time she saw him?
7. Explain the Bow Society as mentioned in Dance Hall of the Dead?
8. How are the living conditions for the Zuni different from that of the Navajo?
9. Describe John O'Malley.
10. What does George's note to his brother say?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The FBI agent, John O'Malley, acts as if the paralyzing dart is not worth worrying about or filing charges against. What is O'Malley communicating to Leaphorn with his words and actions in Chapter 17? Is he showing prejudice against Leaphorn because he's Navajo or because he's just a local authority? How does O'Malley's attitude affect Leaphorn's decisions of what and how to investigate?
Essay Topic 2
In Chapter 7, the reader learns more about the teachings Leaphorn learned from his grandfather. Discuss how these teachings help Leaphorn as a detective. Compare Leaphorn's detecting methods to those of white culture.
Essay Topic 3
After the death of Shorty Bowlegs, Leaphorn assumes responsibility for Cecil Bowlegs. Discuss the Navajo concept of family and children.
This section contains 686 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |