Dance Dance Dance: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dance Dance Dance: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 30, the writer and Yuki are driving where when the writer sees Kiki on the street?
(a) Downtown Honolulu.
(b) Kathmandu.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) Hokkaido.

2. Where does Yuki suggest she and the writer take a trip in Chapter 27?
(a) Montana.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) Alaska.

3. In Chapter 36, it has been how long since the writer has worked?
(a) 5 months.
(b) 25 days.
(c) 2.5 months.
(d) 6 weeks.

4. In Chapter 28, Yuki and the writer go where?
(a) Arkansas.
(b) Hawaii.
(c) Alaska.
(d) Illinois.

5. In Chapter 35, the writer runs into what cop at a local store?
(a) Fisherman.
(b) Bookish.
(c) Kiki.
(d) Mei.

6. Yuki thinks the film that she and the writer go to see in Chapter 37 is what?
(a) Wonderful.
(b) Hilarious.
(c) Terrible.
(d) Inspiring.

7. In Chapter 37, the writer recommends that Yuki return where for a few days?
(a) Hokkaido.
(b) Yokohama.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) Sapporo.

8. In Chapter 26, the writer knows that Gotanda is innocent and did not want to do what?
(a) Distrust him.
(b) Ruin his career.
(c) Steal his girlfriend.
(d) Insult his character.

9. Who has sent a call girl to the writer's room in Chapter 29?
(a) The Sheep Man.
(b) Ame.
(c) Hiraku Makimura.
(d) Ryoichi Gotanda.

10. In Chapter 24, the writer is intrigued by Hiraku Makimura's opulent lifestyle, including __________.
(a) His valet.
(b) His plane.
(c) A gold fountain.
(d) A Rolls Royce.

11. What does the writer find written on a scrap of paper and left on the windowsill in an apartment building in Chapter 30?
(a) A name.
(b) An address.
(c) A phone number.
(d) Nothing.

12. Yuki tells the writer that the receptionist's name from the Dolphin Hotel is what in Chapter 27?
(a) Kiki.
(b) Mei.
(c) Miss Yumiyoshi.
(d) Ryoichi Gotanda.

13. At the movies, Yuki doubles over in pain when whose scene comes on in Chapter 37?
(a) Ame's.
(b) Ryoichi Gotanda's.
(c) Kiki's.
(d) Hiraku Makimura's.

14. In Chapter 23, Yuki tells the writer that he is how far behind the times?
(a) 5 years.
(b) 25 years.
(c) 50 years.
(d) 35 years.

15. What object did the police find to tie the writer to the murder victim in Chapter 21?
(a) His watch.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His hat.
(d) His business card.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the writer's statement which he must review in Chapter 22?

2. In Chapter 20, the writer says that his and Yuki's one-way communication isn't fair and that she should give him what?

3. Yuki decides to ____________ while the writer talks to Hiraku Makimura in Chapter 24.

4. Whom does the writer find to act like a zombie in Chapter 37?

5. Who offers to pay for the entire trip for Yuki and the writer in Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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