Dance Dance Dance: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dance Dance Dance: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 33, the writer's life is relatively normal although he does not what?
(a) Talk to his family.
(b) Call his mother.
(c) Speak with Gotanda.
(d) Work.

2. In Chapter 38, the writer takes Yuki where?
(a) To a bowling alley.
(b) To the beach.
(c) To a parade.
(d) To an amusement park.

3. Yuki returns where in Chapter 33?
(a) Tokyo.
(b) Hokkaido.
(c) Tsujido.
(d) Sapporo.

4. Yuki tells the writer that the receptionist's name from the Dolphin Hotel is what in Chapter 27?
(a) Mei.
(b) Kiki.
(c) Miss Yumiyoshi.
(d) Ryoichi Gotanda.

5. Where do Yuki and the writer go after leaving Hiraku Makimura's house in Chapter 25?
(a) To the beach.
(b) To the library.
(c) To dinner.
(d) To the movies.

6. In Chapter 35, the writer runs into what cop at a local store?
(a) Fisherman.
(b) Kiki.
(c) Mei.
(d) Bookish.

7. In Chapter 35, the cop reveals to the writer that it is a mystery why Mei worked as what?
(a) An actress.
(b) A dancer.
(c) A spy.
(d) A call girl.

8. In Chapter 30, who reads poetry to the writer?
(a) Ryoichi Gotanda.
(b) Hiraku Makimura.
(c) Yuki.
(d) Dick.

9. In Chapter 36, Yuki says that who is just sitting around kind of spacing out?
(a) Ryoichi Gotanda.
(b) Ame.
(c) Yuki.
(d) Hiraku Makimura.

10. In Chapter 31, there is finally an article about whom in the newspaper?
(a) Kiki.
(b) Mei.
(c) Ryoichi Gotanda.
(d) Hiraku Makimura.

11. In Chapter 31, the writer leaves a message for whom?
(a) Yuki.
(b) Ryoichi Gotanda.
(c) Hiraku Makimura.
(d) Kiki.

12. In Chapter 33, the writer begins to try to connect things together with what?
(a) "The Assimilation."
(b) "The CIA."
(c) "The Organization."
(d) "The Cult."

13. After he is released from the police station in Chapter 23, the writer thinks of whom and wonders if she too will be killed?
(a) Ame.
(b) Miss Yumiyoshi.
(c) Kiki.
(d) Yuki.

14. What does the writer find inside an apartment after following Kiki in Chapter 30?
(a) Dozens of cats.
(b) Hundreds of rats.
(c) Piles of newspapers.
(d) 6 skeletons.

15. What sport do Hiraku Makimura and the writer discuss in Chapter 24?
(a) Kayaking.
(b) Polo.
(c) Car racing.
(d) Golf.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Gotanda drops by in Chapter 39, he and the protagonist go out for what?

2. In Chapter 26, the writer offers to drive Gotanda where?

3. Whom does the writer call to explain his situation from the police precinct in Chapter 21?

4. Yuki decides to ____________ while the writer talks to Hiraku Makimura in Chapter 24.

5. In what does Yuki say Kiki's body was transported in, in Chapter 38?

(see the answer keys)

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