Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Winterbourne scold Daisy about?
(a) being unchaperoned
(b) exposing herself to the night air
(c) being out so late
(d) dressing so casually

2. How does Daisy's letter to Winterbourne reveal her real feelings about him?
(a) an apology for her behavior
(b) an out right declaration of love
(c) a promise to see him when she recovers
(d) remembering the trip to Chillon Castle

3. What does Daisy say is a disagreeable thing for Winterbourne today?
(a) that she is star struck
(b) that she has no culture
(c) that she has no fashion sense
(d) that she and Giovanelli are in love

4. What is the irony of the Americans disapproving of the outsiders?
(a) they are long time Italian residents
(b) they are outsiders in Italy themselves
(c) they disapprove of everyone
(d) they are ignorant of cultural differences

5. What does Daisy berate Winterbourne for?
(a) not standing up for her
(b) not calling at her hotel
(c) believing everything he hears
(d) not minding his own business

6. What is missing in Daisy that parallels what is missing in the American expatriates?
(a) the ability to see things as they really are
(b) the ability to stand up for oneself
(c) the ability to make judgments of other people
(d) the ability to gossip

7. What does Mrs. Costello say Daisy's activities are causing ?
(a) much gossip among the Americans
(b) danger to her health
(c) a bad impression to the Italians
(d) Italians to laugh at the Americans

8. What is Daisy doing, according to Mrs. Costello, that disturbs Winterbourne?
(a) staying out late at night
(b) entertaining men
(c) behaving snobbishly
(d) avoiding the Americans

9. What is it that Winterbourne no longer believes in about Daisy?
(a) her innocence
(b) her indiscretion
(c) her intelligence
(d) her sense of style

10. A few days later at Mrs. Walker's party, how does Daisy show up?
(a) under dressed
(b) with to many jewels
(c) with Giovanelli
(d) over dressed

11. What is the era the navel DAISY MILLER takes place in?
(a) the Revolutionary era
(b) the Renaissance era
(c) the Victorian era
(d) the Edwardian era

12. How does Daisy appear when Mrs. Walker refuses to speak to her?
(a) indifferent
(b) hurt
(c) angry
(d) amused

13. Who does Winterbourne suggest will misinterpret Daisy's activities?
(a) the children
(b) the religious
(c) the locals
(d) the Americans

14. What does the American community use to punish non-conformists?
(a) laughter
(b) ridicule
(c) ostracism
(d) lectures

15. What does Winterbourne say he had done to Daisy?
(a) an injustice
(b) contributed to the rumors about her
(c) slapped her face
(d) told her off

Short Answer Questions

1. What gossip does Winterbourne agree that Daisy is doing by her behavior?

2. At the party, what does Daisy seem to prefer?

3. At what point does Winterbourne begin to doubt Daisy's innocence?

4. What does Winterbourne learn at Daisy's funeral?

5. Winterbourne makes a conclusion that Daisy is not an innocent child but a woman with what attribute?

(see the answer keys)

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