Daisy Jones and the Six Test | Final Test - Medium

Taylor Jenkins Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Jones and the Six Test | Final Test - Medium

Taylor Jenkins Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Karen states that it had been annoying how often which character had been correct?
(a) Daisy.
(b) Graham.
(c) Billy.
(d) Camila.

2. For what reason had Artie Snyder been available to work at any hour during the recording of Aurora?
(a) He had just lost his wife.
(b) He had just lost a child.
(c) His girlfriend had just left him.
(d) He was in the middle of a divorce.

3. Who states that Daisy had been good at incorporating wordplay into her lyrics?
(a) Karen.
(b) Graham.
(c) Billy.
(d) Simone.

4. Who pressed Runner Records to spend a lot of money promoting the album entitled Aurora?
(a) Artie Snyder.
(b) Rod.
(c) Nick.
(d) Billy.

5. Daisy states that in her youth, she had possessed what kind of a "sense of self-importance" (203)?
(a) Outlandish.
(b) Ridiculous.
(c) Undersized.
(d) Oversized.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Karen finally told someone about her relationship with Graham, whom did she tell?

2. Which member of the Six is still angry that their input about Daisy was not solicited?

3. Whom did Daisy call in order to report her unhappiness on a rare night in?

4. When Camila gave birth when Julia was young, what was Billy's attitude toward fatherhood at that point?

5. Who did Billy bring with him when he went to Daisy's house to investigate her tardiness?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Karen finally told someone about her relationship with Graham, whom did she tell and on what occasion?

2. How does Reid go about portraying the danger inherent in being the child of a rock star?

3. What did Billy and Rod find when they went to Daisy's house to check on her?

4. What sorts of actions did Rod take in order to ensure the album Aurora would be a success?

5. Summarize Daisy's comments concerning artists, vulnerability, and truth.

6. What advice did Karen receive when she first told someone about her relationship with Graham?

7. Daisy confided in Billy about what topic during a car ride one day?

8. What kind of father was Billy and what kind of mother was Camila?

9. What aspect of the Rolling Stone article about the Six angered Billy?

10. How is the theme of control depicted within a particular recording session?

(see the answer keys)

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