Daisy Jones and the Six Test | Final Test - Easy

Taylor Jenkins Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Jones and the Six Test | Final Test - Easy

Taylor Jenkins Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sneaked into Karen's hotel room the night the Six met Jonah Berg?
(a) Billy.
(b) Graham.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Jonah Berg.

2. Daisy married a man by what name that she had met in Thailand?
(a) Nicky.
(b) Brooks.
(c) Seth.
(d) Matt.

3. Daisy wrote the song "A Hope Like You" about what topic?
(a) Unrequited love.
(b) Betrayal.
(c) Motherhood.
(d) War.

4. Simone's favorite photograph of Daisy features what setting?
(a) A swimming pool.
(b) A beach.
(c) A forest.
(d) A lake.

5. Which member of the Six is still angry that their input about Daisy was not solicited?
(a) Graham.
(b) Karen.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Warren.

6. In what location did Daisy confess to Billy her true feelings for him?
(a) The pool house.
(b) Daisy's apartment.
(c) Billy's house.
(d) The studio.

7. Who pressed Runner Records to spend a lot of money promoting the album entitled Aurora?
(a) Rod.
(b) Artie Snyder.
(c) Nick.
(d) Billy.

8. Over what element of the song "Midnights" did Eddie and Billy argue?
(a) The lyrics.
(b) The harmonica interlude.
(c) The bass part.
(d) The guitar part.

9. When Karen finally told someone about her relationship with Graham, whom did she tell?
(a) Rod.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Billy.
(d) Camila.

10. What object did Daisy drop on the ground as Billy watched?
(a) Her necklace.
(b) A drinking glass.
(c) Her swimsuit.
(d) Her ring.

11. What color tank top did Daisy wear on the album cover for Aurora?
(a) Pink.
(b) Black.
(c) White.
(d) Red.

12. Daisy states that in her youth, she had possessed what kind of a "sense of self-importance" (203)?
(a) Oversized.
(b) Undersized.
(c) Ridiculous.
(d) Outlandish.

13. Karen states that it had been annoying how often which character had been correct?
(a) Graham.
(b) Billy.
(c) Daisy.
(d) Camila.

14. The song "Impossible Woman" is about which character?
(a) Simone.
(b) Camila.
(c) Daisy.
(d) Karen.

15. In whose pool house did Billy and Daisy write the lyrics for a particular album?
(a) Graham's.
(b) Warren's.
(c) Rod's.
(d) Teddy's.

Short Answer Questions

1. The album cover entitled Aurora ended up featuring how many band members?

2. What emotion did Billy feel in response to reading Jonah Berg's article about the Six?

3. Who suggested that Daisy be fired from the band for her frequent tardiness?

4. What song of Daisy's did Billy refuse to play?

5. When Julia was still young, Camila had which other child or children with Billy?

(see the answer keys)

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