Daddy: Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

Emma Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daddy: Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

Emma Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richard do with Rowan and his girlfriend the one night he is in town?
(a) Takes them out to dinner.
(b) Goes bowling.
(c) Goes to a movie.
(d) Takes them to bar to get drunk.

2. Whose room does Sophie fall asleep in when she goes out towards the end of the story The Nanny?
(a) Sophie's.
(b) Edmund's.
(c) Harry's.
(d) Rose's.

3. Who picked Kayla up at her old employers' home?
(a) Dennis.
(b) Kayla's mother.
(c) Mary.
(d) Kayla's father.

4. What problem does Ana have while staying with Richard?
(a) Migraines.
(b) An itchy rash.
(c) A cold.
(d) Conjunctivitis.

5. What kills the trees in the story Marion?
(a) Bark beetles.
(b) Termites.
(c) Gypsy moth worms.
(d) Crows.

6. What does Heddy throw out because it is moldy?
(a) Her food.
(b) Her raincoat.
(c) Her makeup.
(d) Her shoes.

7. Why does Bobby get very angry at Marion on their trip down south?
(a) She throws up in the new car.
(b) She flirts with strangers.
(c) She litters out the car window, increasing the chances they might get pulled over.
(d) She loses his wallet.

8. What physical problem does Zack have?
(a) He has a speech challenge.
(b) He is blind in one eye.
(c) He has a head wound that bleeds.
(d) His leg is broken.

9. Why does the actor ask Kayla to leave the set when she visits him there?
(a) She is too loud.
(b) She keeps tripping over things.
(c) She faints and that causes a problem.
(d) She is in his eyeline and is distracting him.

10. What phrase does Kayla feel describes the aftermath of the discovery of her affair with the actor?
(a) They always blame the woman.
(b) It's like I've been plucked out of my own life.
(c) It's like I'm invisible.
(d) I don't recognize myself any longer.

11. Who does Richard take with him to meet his father at the school?
(a) His three roommates.
(b) His teacher.
(c) His best friend.
(d) His girlfriend.

12. What does Otto mostly talk to Peter about?
(a) Women.
(b) Education.
(c) Livestock.
(d) Yield.

13. Who is Marion romantically interested in?
(a) Richard.
(b) Jack.
(c) Henry.
(d) Sten.

14. In the story The Nanny, who does Kayla stay with after losing her job?
(a) Mary and Dennis.
(b) Henry.
(c) Edgar.
(d) Jack and Mary.

15. What does Richard's girlfriend do for a living?
(a) Real estate.
(b) Accounting.
(c) Law.
(d) Medicine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What personal item of her host's son does Kayla look through while staying in his room?

2. What does Richard do at the restaurant that makes a scene?

3. What is Richard's and Rowan's last name?

4. How are Otto and Heddy related in the story Arcadia?

5. Who is the actor Kayla has an affair with?

(see the answer keys)

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