Da Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Da Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Da's job with Mrs. Prynne?
(a) Chauffeur.
(b) Gardener.
(c) Chef.
(d) Butler.

2. What did Da do with the checks Charlie had sent him?
(a) Bought a new car.
(b) Bought a big screen TV.
(c) Escaped from two nursing homes.
(d) Bought an R.V.

3. What is "an Irishwoman's death"?
(a) While praying.
(b) While drinking tea.
(c) While singing.
(d) While peeling potatoes.

4. For what does Young Charlie berate Charlie when Da leaves to check on the razor blades?
(a) Not taking Da to Mother's grave.
(b) Not telling Da he loved him.
(c) Not being around when Da got ill and died.
(d) Not buying Da an electric razor.

5. What memento does Mrs. Prynne give Charlie?
(a) A tiki head.
(b) A clump of fused sunglasses.
(c) A Faberge egg.
(d) A nautical paperweight.

6. In a memory, Mother is late for dinner and _____________.
(a) angry.
(b) confused.
(c) happy.
(d) sad.

7. How old is Drumm when he appears in Act 2, Part 4?
(a) In his eighties.
(b) In his sixties.
(c) In his fifties.
(d) In his seventies.

8. What does Da rifle through?
(a) The kitchen cupboards.
(b) Charlie's briefcase.
(c) The magazines on a table.
(d) His sock drawer.

9. In his final days, Da talked to Charlie as though Charlie were ___________________.
(a) A priest.
(b) Insane.
(c) Mother's father.
(d) Mother.

10. Mother and Da are not going to the wedding because it is too far and __________________.
(a) they don't like to stay in hotels.
(b) they can't get off work.
(c) they can't afford it.
(d) Da is unwell.

11. How old is the woman who appears to Young Charlie in Act 2, Part 2?
(a) Late Sixties.
(b) Thirty-five.
(c) Middle-aged.
(d) Early Twenties.

12. What does Da do when Charlie cuts himself?
(a) Gives him a bandage.
(b) Calls him stupid.
(c) Offers him a handkerchief.
(d) He does nothing.

13. Charlie complains that Da gave and gave but would not ______________.
(a) give to Mother.
(b) even accept a gift.
(c) love him emotionally.
(d) accept repayment.

14. How long had Charlie been working at Drumm's when Young Charlie has a conversation with Drumm?
(a) Three years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Six months.
(d) Thirteen years.

15. What does Mother do after Charlie leaves to get married?
(a) Cleans the kitchen.
(b) Cries for days.
(c) Changes the sheets on his bed.
(d) Bakes a pie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Charlie tries to crush the sculpture?

2. Why is Charlie now mad at Da?

3. What is Charlie doing in the present?

4. Mother tells Da that their being at Charlie's wedding might have _____________________.

5. Young Charlie says that Da may not have had money but he had ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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