Cyrano de Bergerac Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cyrano de Bergerac Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Scene 6, one cadet tells Roxanne that he is crying for what reason?
(a) He is afraid to die
(b) She is so beautiful
(c) The food is so good
(d) He has not slept in days

2. Why does Roxane reason Cyrano is late?
(a) A sister detains him
(b) He has forgotten
(c) Some accident has occured
(d) He is picking up flowers

3. Which of the following is not a location that Cyrano guesses he is while stalling de Guiche?
(a) Algeria
(b) Brussels
(c) Genoa
(d) Venice

4. What does Mother Margaret forbid her Sisters from doing regarding Cyrano?
(a) Talking to him
(b) Trying to convert him
(c) Being rude to him
(d) Cooking him food

5. At what part of Roxanne's body does Christian marvel when she embraces him in Scene 5?
(a) Her feet
(b) Her lips
(c) Her eyes
(d) Her hands

6. How many meals a day do the cadets claim to have gotten in Paris?
(a) None
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 3

7. Which of the following items is not something the cadets seek out at the beginning of Scene 6?
(a) A razor
(b) A pocket-mirror
(c) Cologne
(d) Soap

8. Who is walking with Roxane in Scene 1?
(a) Cyrano
(b) Ragueneau
(c) Le Bret
(d) de Guiche

9. What in the below list is not among the groups that Cyrano regularly attacks in his writing, according to Le Bret?
(a) Plagarists
(b) Philanderers
(c) Pretenders
(d) Usurpers

10. What fairy tale does Roxane reference in Scene 5 in discussing her journey?
(a) The Robber Bridegroom
(b) The Bremen Town Musicians
(c) Cinderella
(d) Sleeping Beauty

11. What reason does the Comte de Guiche give for leaving at the end of Scene 5?
(a) He must rally the other troops
(b) He must inspect his guns
(c) He must polish his armor
(d) He must strike his tent

12. What does Cyrano do every morning before dawn?
(a) Scavenges for food in the woods
(b) Delivers Christian's letter
(c) Prays
(d) Rouses the troops with a bawdy poem

13. What has attracted the Comte de Guiche to the camp at the beginning of Scene 7?
(a) The singing
(b) The imminent battle
(c) The smell
(d) Roxane's presence

14. What does Christian insist he can do to help Cyrano?
(a) Smuggle Cyrano from the field
(b) Annul his marriage to Roxane
(c) Never speak a word of the truth to Roxane
(d) Die on the field of battle

15. According to the Comte de Guiche, what does the trumpet sounding signify to the troops?
(a) Reinforcements arriving
(b) The Spanish retreating
(c) The fall of the enemy battlements
(d) The death of their commander

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Roxane keep Christian's final letter to her?

2. What does de Guiche recommend Cyrano do in Scene 2?

3. Which two characters are alone onstage at the beginning of Scene 3?

4. What word does Cyrano accidentally state that alerts Roxane to Christian's death?

5. When stopped by Spanish forces, where does Roxane tell them she is going?

(see the answer keys)

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