Cyrano de Bergerac Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cyrano de Bergerac Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why, according to Cyrano, do the Spanish troops never notice when he crosses their lines?
(a) He is too stealthy
(b) They have terrible hearing
(c) They are drunk
(d) They are asleep

2. What does de Guiche hand Christian in Scene 14?
(a) An order of war
(b) A writ of annulment
(c) A punch
(d) A dueling glove

3. Who enters the scene at the end of Scene 6?
(a) Ligniere
(b) de Guiche
(c) Carbon
(d) Lise

4. What fairy tale does Roxane reference in Scene 5 in discussing her journey?
(a) Sleeping Beauty
(b) Cinderella
(c) The Robber Bridegroom
(d) The Bremen Town Musicians

5. To which Greek god does Roxane compare Christian in Scene 8?
(a) Apollo
(b) Poseidon
(c) Zeus
(d) Aries

6. Who attends Roxane throughout Scene 4?
(a) Ragueneau
(b) de Guiche
(c) Sister Martha
(d) Mother Margaret

7. Why does Roxane reason Cyrano is late?
(a) He has forgotten
(b) Some accident has occured
(c) He is picking up flowers
(d) A sister detains him

8. According to the Comte de Guiche, what does the trumpet sounding signify to the troops?
(a) The death of their commander
(b) The fall of the enemy battlements
(c) The Spanish retreating
(d) Reinforcements arriving

9. Which famous French writer does Ragueneau accuse in Scene 6 of stealing words from Cyrano?
(a) Voltaire
(b) Corneille
(c) Moliere
(d) Hugo

10. Through what building does Le Bret exit at the end of Scene 3?
(a) The nave
(b) The stable
(c) The refractory
(d) The chapel

11. What has attracted the Comte de Guiche to the camp at the beginning of Scene 7?
(a) The singing
(b) Roxane's presence
(c) The smell
(d) The imminent battle

12. To what classical text does Roxane refer when expressing her admiration for Christian in Scene 8?
(a) The Aeneid
(b) Antigone
(c) The Iliad
(d) The Odyssey

13. In what month does this Act take place?
(a) October
(b) September
(c) July
(d) August

14. What does Christian ask Roxane to do at the end of Scene 8?
(a) Ask Cyrano about the letters
(b) Visit the other men
(c) Bring him another glass of wine
(d) Forget him after he dies

15. What reason does the Comte de Guiche give for leaving at the end of Scene 5?
(a) He must rally the other troops
(b) He must strike his tent
(c) He must polish his armor
(d) He must inspect his guns

Short Answer Questions

1. On what does Cyrano blame his fainting in Scene 5?

2. What item did the Comte de Guiche lose in his most recent assault?

3. What time of day is the opening of Act 4?

4. What do Carbon and Le Bret notice about de Guiche immediately on his entrance in Scene 4?

5. What does de Guiche notice immediately about the first soldier he approaches in Scene 7?

(see the answer keys)

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