Cyclops Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cyclops Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How high is the Pisto flung when the Amy Bigalow and Ozero Zaysan blow up?
(a) 300 feet.
(b) 150 feet.
(c) 50 feet.
(d) 200 feet.

2. How old is the guard at the fourth checkpoint that Jessie, Pitt, and the taxi driver encounter?
(a) Around 20.
(b) About 18.
(c) Maybe 17.
(d) No more than 16.

3. Where is the CIA training center located in the Bahamas?
(a) Rum Cay.
(b) French Bay.
(c) Little Bay.
(d) Rock Sound.

4. Who do the Soviets say is missing from the communications center on Cayo Santa Maria?
(a) General Velikov.
(b) Foss Gly.
(c) Lyev Maisky.
(d) Raymond LeBaron.

5. How far away are seagulls crushed by the concussion when the Amy Bigalow and Ozero Zaysan blow up?
(a) 1 1/2 miles.
(b) 2 miles.
(c) 1 mile.
(d) 5 miles.

6. How close to the end of the runway does Jurgens touch the shuttle down?
(a) 13 feet.
(b) 100 feet.
(c) 47 feet.
(d) 38 feet.

7. Who calls Sandecker while he is mourning the deaths of Gunn, Giordino and Pitt?
(a) His wife.
(b) The President's security adviser.
(c) The President.
(d) Admiral Monfort.

8. Which lunar probe managed to return to earth after orbiting for eighteen months?
(a) Selenos 2.
(b) Selenos 4.
(c) Selenos 3.
(d) Selenos 1.

9. Who is the military leader of the Soviet moon landing?
(a) Kornilov.
(b) Leuchenko.
(c) Yasenin.
(d) Antonov.

10. What news does Gly bring Gunn and Giordino at the end of Chapter 50?
(a) That Pitt is dead.
(b) That the search for them has been called off.
(c) That they are being moved to Cuba.
(d) That Jessie is dead.

11. What does Pitt take with him on the Dasher as the assault team prepares to attack Cayo Santa Maria?
(a) A lead pipe.
(b) A gun.
(c) A switchblade.
(d) A baseball bat.

12. Where is Pitt on November 3?
(a) Little Inagua Island.
(b) Ragged Island.
(c) Acklins Island.
(d) San Salvador Island.

13. Where is the passageway to the communications center?
(a) Behind a map in Velikov's study.
(b) Through a trap door in Velikov's study.
(c) Underneath the dining area.
(d) Underneath the garage.

14. At the beginning of Chapter 40, how much longer does Pitt expect his motor to keep running?
(a) 25-30 minutes.
(b) 30-40 minutes.
(c) 15-20 minutes.
(d) 5-10 minutes.

15. At the beginning of Chapter 40, how long has Pitt been on the water after escaping the Russian installation?
(a) 10 hours.
(b) 15 hours.
(c) 24 hours.
(d) 20 hours.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many feet does Jurgens have to spare when he lands the space shuttle?

2. From how far away do fire units come into Havana?

3. Although Sandecker and Giordino did not know the man, whose body are they shown in a Havana morgue?

4. Who is the only missing member of the Inner Core?

5. What is the date when Pitt and Jessie get to Cuba?

(see the answer keys)

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