Cutting for Stone Test | Final Test - Easy

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Cutting for Stone Test | Final Test - Easy

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marion do when Shiva and Genet are talking about sex?
(a) Joins in with them.
(b) Tells Hema.
(c) Ignores them.
(d) Goes for a walk.

2. What happens with Genet as the result of Rosina's action?
(a) She runs away from home.
(b) She stabs the man she is supposed to marry.
(c) She gets an infection.
(d) Her nose is broken and heals wrong.

3. What did Marion do when Ghosh became ill?
(a) Reconciled with Shiva.
(b) Concentrated all his efforts on caring for him.
(c) Withdrew emotionally from the family.
(d) Thought about quitting medicine.

4. Why does the nurse practitioner apologize to Marion?
(a) For being too old for him.
(b) For not making his father stay at the hospital.
(c) For helping to cause his mother's death.
(d) For asking him for sex.

5. Where do many of the organs come from at Marion's hospital?
(a) Gang bangers.
(b) Elderly people.
(c) Car accident victims.
(d) Children.

6. What does Marion do when he gets well?
(a) Marries Genet.
(b) Returns to Ethiopia.
(c) Sleeps with Tsige.
(d) Moves to Boston to work with his father.

7. What does the Chief Resident do in front of a visiting doctor?
(a) Jokes about a patient dying.
(b) Messes up an operation.
(c) Drops a scalpel.
(d) Makes a brilliant save.

8. What does Popsy do in the middle of surgery?
(a) Tries to kiss on of the nurses.
(b) Leave.
(c) Tells Marion to leave.
(d) Supervise Marion taking over.

9. How does Marion find out why he is ill?
(a) He hires a private detective to find Genet.
(b) He has blood test done.
(c) He calls Tsige.
(d) He doesn't find out, his father does.

10. What does Rosina do to Genet for having had sex?
(a) Has her circumcised.
(b) Forces her to marry.
(c) Almost beats her to death.
(d) Restricted her to the house for the rest of the year.

11. Why is the Chief Resident anxious to impress the visiting doctor?
(a) The doctor is successful and world-renown.
(b) The doctor is evaluating his skill.
(c) He is hoping for a partnership.
(d) The doctor can help him with his boards.

12. For what does the nurse practitioner thank Marion?
(a) Joining her in bed.
(b) Helping her with her medical studies.
(c) Bringing her a good book to read.
(d) Leaving her flowers.

13. When does Ghosh return home from the prison?
(a) Two days after the execution.
(b) A week before Mebratu is executed.
(c) The night before Mebratu is executed.
(d) The day Mebratu is executed.

14. On whom has Stone done most of his experimental work thus far?
(a) On volunteers from prisons.
(b) Very wealthy individuals.
(c) The indigent.
(d) Animals.

15. Who come to see Rosina and Genet late one evening?
(a) Strange visitors.
(b) Rosina's cousins.
(c) Zemui's parents.
(d) Genet's boyfriend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Marion beat Genet?

2. What does Marion think about Genet when she returns?

3. With what does Stone feel he cannot cope?

4. What does Marion do at Stone's apartment?

5. How does Genet feel about the Emperor?

(see the answer keys)

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