Cutting for Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Abraham Verghese
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Cutting for Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marion often see?
(a) Visions of his biological father.
(b) Disturbing images of village people who can't get proper medical care.
(c) Images of dead people.
(d) Visions of his future.

2. Why does Ghosh perform surgery on Mebratu?
(a) He refuses to perform surgery.
(b) In compassion.
(c) In hopes of receiving favor.
(d) For practice.

3. What happens to many of the passengers on the ship Mary Praise takes to Africa?
(a) They drink bad water.
(b) They become sea sick.
(c) They get food poisoning.
(d) They come down with a fever.

4. What happens when Ghosh begins spending alone time with Marion in the hospital?
(a) Marion finds a deep love of medicine.
(b) Marion starts to get ill.
(c) Marion learns a lot about handling people.
(d) Marion grows away from Shiva.

5. For what has the Emperor put out an offer of a reward?
(a) The return of his kidnapped son.
(b) Zemui's capture.
(c) The return of his crown taken when the palace was temporarily occupied.
(d) Mebratu's head.

6. What does Shiva take off?
(a) His bracelet from his birth.
(b) His anklet.
(c) A scarf Hema makes for him.
(d) A necklace.

7. What is Ghosh doing as Sister Mary Praise is dying?
(a) Teaching a class.
(b) Dangerously ill.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Walking leisurely around the hospital grounds.

8. Why does a soldier point a gun at Genet?
(a) To make her betray Mebratu.
(b) To demand a motorcycle.
(c) To make her take him to Ghosh.
(d) To make her come with him.

9. What song does Marion remember hearing as he breastfed?
(a) Tzita.
(b) Suprita.
(c) Brahm's Lullaby.
(d) None.

10. What happens when Mary goes into labor, having hid her pregnancy?
(a) Another doctor, Hema, is brought in to help with the delivery.
(b) She delivers easily.
(c) Dr. Stone becomes happy.
(d) She goes into distress and comes close to death.

11. In what physical condition are the twins?
(a) They are healthy and wailing.
(b) Neither are breathing.
(c) They are bleeding.
(d) They are about right for twins.

12. What does Stone do when Hema tells him Mary is dying?
(a) He slaps Hema.
(b) He cuts open her chest and tries to start her heart.
(c) He falls to the floor sobbing.
(d) He runs out of the operating room.

13. What does Hema agree to do concerning Ghosh?
(a) Take over his practice.
(b) Write him a letter of recommendation.
(c) Help him with surgery.
(d) Marry him.

14. What do ShivaMarion do to avoid flying bullets?
(a) Lie under mattresses.
(b) Hide in a supply closet.
(c) Go into the cellar.
(d) Hide in the attic.

15. What does Hema shout at Stone?
(a) That he must be the father.
(b) That he needs to leave immediately.
(c) That he needs to use the fire extinguisher.
(d) That he is an idiot.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dr. Stone do when he his well enough?

2. What does Hema say to Stone?

3. What does the Emperor ask Matron?

4. Of what does the man who turns up in Ghosh's office complain?

5. Why does Ghosh attach an anklet to Shiva?

(see the answer keys)

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