One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another name Chief Bromden uses for Nurse Ratched?
(a) The Fog machine
(b) The Death
(c) Big Nurse
(d) Bossy Lady

2. What is bothering McMurphy now that he has gotten his way?
(a) He thinks he could do more.
(b) He thinks it might have been too easy.
(c) He thinks the other men are crazy
(d) He thinks he has too much responsibility now

3. What does Nurse Ratched suggest has happened to McMurphy as he is singing in the hallway?
(a) He has been dared by the other men
(b) His clothes have been stolen
(c) He is crazy
(d) He is just being a pain

4. Where does the staff want to send McMurphy?
(a) Solitary confinement
(b) Back to prison
(c) The Disturbed Ward
(d) Another hospital

5. Does McMurphy move the item in #40 as he says he can?
(a) He doesn't try
(b) Yes
(c) He asks someone else to move it for him
(d) No

6. What is taken away as a result of the World Series rebellions?
(a) Card privileges
(b) Excursions
(c) Cigarettes
(d) Day passes

7. Who else does Nurse Ratched count in the vote that makes the current vote NOT in favor of the World Series?
(a) The Chronics
(b) The nurses
(c) The Disturbed patients
(d) The black boys

8. What is another name the patients have for EST?
(a) Brain Meltdown
(b) Electric Delight
(c) Quiet Buzz
(d) Shock Shop

9. Where does the Chief try to hide?
(a) In the bathroom
(b) In the broom cupboard
(c) The nurse's station
(d) Under his bed

10. Who are those whose brains have been altered beyond repair?
(a) New Admissions
(b) Acutes
(c) Toasteds
(d) Chronics

11. What does Nurse Ratched ask of the patients when she tells them about #76's punishment?
(a) If it's something McMurphy enjoys
(b) If it's fair
(c) If it's enough
(d) If they can suggest something else more suitable

12. Who joins McMurphy in the action of #46 first?
(a) Billy Bibbit
(b) Harding
(c) George
(d) Cheswick

13. Harding and McMurphy banter to decide who the biggest ______________ is in the hospital.
(a) Mess
(b) Jerk
(c) Bull goose loony
(d) Coward

14. Who gets up at the end of the Group Meeting, after being quiet the entire time?
(a) Doctor Spivey
(b) Chief Bromden
(c) McMurphy
(d) Harding

15. Who comes to visit while the group of patients is at the library?
(a) The Chief's father
(b) Candy
(c) Harding's wife
(d) Billy's mom

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes McMurphy question his actions?

2. What does McMurphy say he will do to break out of the ward?

3. Where is Chief Bromden locked up?

4. How long has the lifeguard been at the hospital?

5. How does the drowning happen, according to the explanation?

(see the answer keys)

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