The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Metzger tells Mike Fallopian he is so right-wing that he's left-wing, and possibly a Marxist, since he is invoking the _______theory.
(a) Thermodynamics.
(b) Open Markets.
(c) Surplus Value.
(d) Communist.

2. Who does Oedipa dream about as she sleeps in the hotel in Berkeley?
(a) Mucho.
(b) Inverarity.
(c) Metzger.
(d) Driblette.

3. What is the name of the auctioneer who will be crying the lots the day Oedipa goes?
(a) Lorne Passering.
(b) Luke Passion.
(c) Loren Passerine.
(d) Lone Passtime.

4. Mr. Thoth, a resident of the home for senior citizens, wakes from a doze and mentions to Oedipa that his grandfather rode for the ______________.
(a) Continental Railroad.
(b) Couriers.
(c) Cavalry.
(d) Pony Express.

5. While walking down a stretch of railroad track, Oedipa remembers that Inverarity had once told her the secret to success was what?
(a) Trust no one.
(b) Keep it bouncing.
(c) Keep it going.
(d) Buy low, sell high.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of the group as explained by the tourist wearing the lapel pin?

2. Whose address in Berkeley does Stanley Koteks give to Oedipa?

3. As Oedipa walks around the college campus in Chapter 5, she realizes her education made her what?

4. A young female graduate student reveals to Oedipa that ________ drowned himself in the Pacific Ocean two days ago.

5. What is the name of the home for senior citizens that Oedipa visits?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 4, Genghis Cohen explains to Oedipa that the dandelion wine is clear now, but becomes cloudy in the spring when the dandelions begin to bloom, as if the dandelions in the wine remembered. What does Oedipa muse about this?

2. What is the story behind the founding of Inamorati Anonymous?

3. In addition to visiting John Nefastis, why does Oedipa need to go to Berkeley?

4. What connection does Oedipa make between the old German stamp with Thurn and Taxis printed on it which has a post horn, resembling the WASTE symbol, in each corner and the scene from The Courier's Tragedy?

5. When Oedipa visits Vesperhaven House, what does Mr. Thoth tell her about his dream?

6. Describe the Nefastis Machine as it was explained by Stanley Koteks.

7. As Oedipa sits in rush hour traffic on the Bay Bridge, what does she determine she knows about Tristero?

8. What are the four alternatives Oedipa comes up with to explain her discoveries concerning the Tristero?

9. According to Jesus Arrabal, what is the miracle of Inverarity?

10. Oedipa discovers that the line from Driblette's version in Plays of Ford, Webster, Tourneur and Wharfinger about Trystero was replaced by another referring to what?

(see the answer keys)

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