The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Oedipa after she knocks on the door of Dr. Hilarius's office in Chapter 5?
(a) He takes her hostage.
(b) He begs her to run away with him.
(c) He makes love to her.
(d) He gives her LSD.

2. On her way to visit Emory Bortz, what building does Oedipa see burned down?
(a) KCUF radio station.
(b) Zapf's Used Books.
(c) The Tank Theater.
(d) Vespers House.

3. Who does Dr. Hilarius think the police are when they come to his clinic?
(a) Tristero agents.
(b) Thurn and Taxis agents.
(c) Israelis.
(d) CIA.

4. What kind of stamp does Genghis Cohen invite Oedipa over to view that bears the muted post horn, belly-up badger, and a motto referring to Tristero's empire?
(a) An old American stamp.
(b) An old Russian stamp.
(c) An old European stamp.
(d) An old French stamp.

5. The Paranoids sing a song recounting how men like __________ seduce younger women?
(a) Mucho.
(b) Metzger.
(c) Miles.
(d) Humbert Humbert.

6. After losing noble patronage, the majority of Tristero members fled to where during 1849-50?
(a) Russia.
(b) Belgium.
(c) France.
(d) America.

7. Oedipa arrives at a German Baroque hotel in the Berkeley hills which is hosting a meeting of what organization?
(a) California Chapter of the American Deaf-Mute Assembly.
(b) California Chapter of the American Scientist Assembly.
(c) California Chapter of the American Blind Assembly.
(d) California Chapter of the American Hearing-impaired Assembly.

8. Who does Oedipa dream about as she sleeps in the hotel in Berkeley?
(a) Metzger.
(b) Mucho.
(c) Inverarity.
(d) Driblette.

9. Oedipa, accompanied by Bortz and the graduate students, attends the funeral and tries to reach out to some remaining trace of life in the grave in a similar fashion to what?
(a) Communicating with sensitives.
(b) A hallucination.
(c) A seance.
(d) Communicating with Maxwell's Demon.

10. After finding a copy of Plays of Ford, Webster, Tourneur and Wharfinger, Oedipa discovers a note that says "trystero" may be derived from the Italian word "triste." What does this word mean?
(a) Deadly.
(b) Depraved.
(c) Mysterious.
(d) Third.

11. What does Mucho offer to Oedipa before they leave the pizzeria?
(a) Money.
(b) A divorce.
(c) His forgiveness.
(d) LSD.

12. Genghis Cohen shows Oedipa a Pony Express stamp from 1940 with the _______ symbol on the back.
(a) Yoyodyne.
(b) Nefastis.
(c) Tristero.
(d) WASTE.

13. Who does Oedipa find at an all-night Mexican diner in San Francisco?
(a) Jesus Arrabal.
(b) Randolph Driblette.
(c) John Nefastis.
(d) Grace Bortz.

14. As Oedipa drives to Berkeley to find the source text for the Jacobean revenge play, she misses the exit to where?
(a) The wharf.
(b) Kinneret.
(c) The hotel.
(d) The Bay Bridge.

15. As Oedipa sits in the apartment in Berkeley concentrating and awaiting the demon's message, what is on the TV?
(a) Cartoons.
(b) Metzger's movie.
(c) News about China.
(d) News about Viet Nam.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Oedipa return to Kinneret to see Dr. Hilarius?

2. After Oedipa follows the wino with the bag of letters, where does she find the can with the WASTE symbol on the side?

3. What is the name of the religious splinter group Bortz attributes to changing the pornographic version of the play?

4. Genghis Cohen informs Oedipa that a mysterious new bidder requested to view the stamps in lot 49, but the request was denied for what reason?

5. Suffering nightmares and various symptoms, Oedipa goes to a doctor and requests a pregnancy test under what name?

(see the answer keys)

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