Cry, the Beloved Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cry, the Beloved Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kumalo torture Absalom’s girl at first out of his disgust for her previous lifestyle?
(a) He tells her she must give the baby to him to raise with his wife while she remains in Johannesburg.
(b) He tells her Absalom has refused to marry her.
(c) He tells her she must sleep with him if she wants to be looked after.
(d) He tells her he knows Absalom is not the baby’s father and they bear no responsibility for it.

2. Which word(s) best describes John’s feelings toward tribal chiefs and the Church?
(a) Absolute reverence.
(b) Contempt.
(c) Amusement.
(d) A philosophical respect.

3. What is the name of the woman who rents a room to Kumalo?
(a) Mrs. Lithebe.
(b) Mrs. Dubula.
(c) Mrs. Mkize.
(d) Mrs. Ndlela.

4. Which of the following best describes John’s relationship with his own son?
(a) John has fully disinherited his son in order to give more to his younger children.
(b) Since John’s son got married, they rarely see each other.
(c) They are close and John’s son still lives with John.
(d) They are estranged because John’s son is friends with criminals.

5. What is the name of the village where Kumalo lives?
(a) Umzimkulu.
(b) Sophiatown.
(c) Carisbrooke.
(d) Ndotsheni.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tribe does Kumalo belong to?

2. What country does Father Vincent come from?

3. What is the reformatory worker’s main concern about Absalom’s involvement in the murder?

4. What is Gertrude’s main emotion when Kumalo discovers how she is living?

5. Kumalo is described as moving _______, in the same rhythm as the tribal life. What is the adjective that best describes both tribal life and Kumalo’s movements?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the irony of the death of Arthur Jarvis at the hands of a black person.

2. What feelings do Stephen Kumalo and his wife have before they open the letter they receive at the beginning of the book? Why do they feel this way?

3. Compare and contrast Kumalo and Msimangu’s reaction to Absalom’s pregnant girl.

4. Briefly discuss John’s hypocritical attitude towards both the church and tribal chiefs.

5. What does Kumalo fear when he hears of Arthur Jarvis’ murder?

6. What unofficial title do most members of Ndotsheni bestow on Kumalo’s wife, and what does it signify?

7. Describe the white reformatory worker’s reaction to the news that Absalom killed Arthur Jarvis, and why he reacts this way.

8. Describe three excuses Absalom gives to his father for why he killed Arthur Jarvis.

9. Describe some ways John Kumalo has changed since he moved to Johannesburg from Ndotsheni.

10. How does the first chapter describe the land of the Umzimkulu valley? How does this reflect on the state of the people who live there?

(see the answer keys)

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