Cry, the Beloved Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cry, the Beloved Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time of day will Absalom be executed?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Dawn.
(c) Noon.
(d) Dusk.

2. What name does Absalom ask his father to name his child if it is boy?
(a) Peter.
(b) Michael.
(c) Arthur.
(d) Paul.

3. Where does Kumalo put his energy immediately upon returning from Johannesburg?
(a) He talks to community leaders about how to rejuvenate the tribe’s agriculture.
(b) He isolates himself with his family to bond them into a unit.
(c) He throws himself into rebuilding his church.
(d) He starts a letter-writing campaign for Absalom to avoid the death penalty.

4. What does Absalom claim is the reason he did not simply turn himself in to the police?
(a) He believed the police mainly suspected someone else.
(b) He believed he was well enough hidden that the police would never find him.
(c) He was too afraid to confess even though he intended to.
(d) He thought if he left Johannesburg no one would bother to hunt him down.

5. Who sends and puts Kumalo in charge of distributing resources for the village children?
(a) The tribe’s chief.
(b) John Kumalo.
(c) Msimangu.
(d) James Jarvis.

6. Which of the following is NOT a reason Arthur mentions in his paper that whites need to take responsibility for helping blacks?
(a) Because people who consider themselves Christians should not subjugate others in the name of God’s will.
(b) Because whites have actively suppressed the education of blacks out of fear.
(c) Because whites destroyed blacks’ tribal life in the first place.
(d) Because of blacks’ inferior intelligence and inability to help themselves.

7. What does James have a hard time looking at each day upon entering Arthur’s house?
(a) A cigar left half-smoked in an ashtray on Arthur’s desk.
(b) The bloodstain on the floor where Arthur died.
(c) A portrait of Arthur hanging in the parlor.
(d) An unfinished letter Arthur had started to his father.

8. Where do James Jarvis and Kumalo wait out a rainstorm?
(a) In Jarvis’ car.
(b) In the village school.
(c) In the tribal chief’s office.
(d) In Kumalo’s church.

9. How many children did Arthur Jarvis have?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) One.

10. Which of the following is NOT a reason Absalom gives for having a revolver at all?
(a) Because he thought it would frighten people off.
(b) Because he was told Johannesburg was a dangerous city.
(c) Because he thought he needed it for self-defense.
(d) Because he had grown up having and using guns.

11. What day is Absalom set to be executed?
(a) The first of the month.
(b) The thirtieth of the month.
(c) None of the above.
(d) The fifteenth of the month.

12. What event occurs a few days before Absalom’s sentencing which foreshadows he is unlikely to get judicial leniency?
(a) A white police officer is killed during a mining strike.
(b) A new law is approved which requires the death penalty for all murderers.
(c) Another white man is murdered during a house burglary by blacks.
(d) A massive plot by a black gang to rob prominent white merchants is preempted by police.

13. Before the murderer is caught, who is suspected of the crime of killing Arthur?
(a) Someone who was once an employee of Arthur’s.
(b) Someone on the orders of Dubula and John Kumalo.
(c) A racist white who dislikes Arthur’s agitation for black rights.
(d) Someone who committed the murder in a random act of gang violence.

14. What does the phrase Nkosi Skielel’ iAfrika mean?
(a) Africa unite.
(b) Africa forever.
(c) Africa for Africans.
(d) God save Africa.

15. What do Ndotsheni’s children lack which is causing them to die in greater than average numbers?
(a) Clean water.
(b) Malaria medicine.
(c) Milk.
(d) Vitamin C.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character unexpectedly appears in Ndotsheni with the village chief and magistrate?

2. Which of the following worry that John Kumalo’s speech to black miners could lead to an uprising?

3. Which statement best describes Margaret Jarvis’ relationship with Arthur compared to James’?

4. What did Absalom do with the revolver after the murder?

5. Which of the following best describes James’ attitude towards blacks before reading Arthur’s papers?

(see the answer keys)

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