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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What part of their belongings did the Owens lose in their tent fire?
2. What was the name of the one male lion in the pride the Owens studied?
3. What type of hyena was Star?
4. What was the first city in Botswana that the Owens landed in?
5. In Mark's dream. what caused the cheetah to split in half?
Short Essay Questions
1. How did the Owens stop the fire from reaching their tent?
2. What was the Valley of Deception?
3. How did Mark and Delia raise enough money to move to Africa while they were still students?
4. How did Star typically feed?
5. How did Lionel Palmer help the Owens settle in Botswana upon their arrival?
6. How did life in the Owens' camp improve after Lionel Palmer came to visit?
7. Where did Mark and Delia Owens first meet?
8. What was weather like for the Owens during their first summer in the Kalahari?
9. What did the sound "Aaoouu" signal to Mark Owens as he slept?
10. How was the wildfire quenched?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
During their time in the Kalahari, the Owens helped support many new laws and ordinances that would help protect the animals in the desert. First, choose one problem that arose while the Owens were living in the Kalahari and explain their reaction to this problem. How did the Owens lobby and convince the government to address this problem? Were they successful? Why or why not? How did the Owens affect the laws regarding this issue for future generations? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.
Essay Topic 2
Bergie Berghoffer was one of the first people the Owens met during their time in the Kalahari. First, describe Bergie Berghoffer's personality and explain why he had such a close relationship with the Owens. Then explain Bergie's relationship to the wildfire that swept through the Kalahari. Why might the Owens blame Berghoffer for the damage they sustained in the fire? Do you think the Owens' blame of Berghofffer would be fair if they placed it on him? Why or why not? Be sure to include examples from the text to help strengthen your arguments.
Essay Topic 3
Safari hunting in Botswana brought both positives and negatives to the country and its economy. First, describe how safari hunting benefited the country of Botswana. Then, weigh that argument against the negatives of how safari hunting hurt the country of Botswana. Then, describe how safari hunting affected the Owens during their research. How did Wes and Anne, the American safari hunters, affect the way the Owens researched in the Kalahari? Be sure to include examples from the text that you believe help to strengthen your arguments.
This section contains 993 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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