Cry of the Kalahari Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mark James Owens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cry of the Kalahari Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mark James Owens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which part of the Owens' bodies was blistered after battling the fire near their tent?
(a) Their feet.
(b) Their backs.
(c) Their hands.
(d) Their faces.

2. How much money did the Owens spend on their first Range Rover?
(a) $3,000.
(b) $750.
(c) $1,500.
(d) $6,000.

3. What type of tree marked the border of the Owens' camp in the Kalahari?
(a) An acacia tree.
(b) A safou tree.
(c) A tamarind tree.
(d) A lemonwood tree.

4. How did the Owens celebrate their first Christmas in the Kalahari?
(a) By decorating a Christmas Tree.
(b) By having a roast chicken dinner.
(c) All of the above.
(d) By exchanging gifts.

5. What type of animal was Chief?
(a) A rat.
(b) A monkey.
(c) A jackal.
(d) A bird.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following landmarks is NOT one the Owens name during their first days in the Kalahari?

2. Which of the following methods of escape was NOT one used by the animals of the Kalahari to escape the fire?

3. In what month of the year did the Owens move to the Kalahari?

4. How are Mark and Delia related?

5. On the day she was surrounded by lions, where was Delia going to hide before Mark came to her rescue and scared the lions away?

Short Essay Questions

1. What type of weather seasons occur in a typical year in the Kalahari?

2. How did the Owens stop the fire from reaching their tent?

3. How did Star typically feed?

4. What supplies did the Owens purchase immediately after landing in Maun?

5. How did the Owens react the first time they saw the brown hyenas playing together?

6. What was the Owens' reaction to the news that Bergie Berghoffer had died?

7. What was the Valley of Deception?

8. How did the Owens discover that Star was the dominant hyena in her pack?

9. Why did Mark leave Delia alone in the camp for three days while he traveled to Maun?

10. How did life in the Owens' camp improve after Lionel Palmer came to visit?

(see the answer keys)

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