Crumbs From the Table of Joy Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Crumbs From the Table of Joy Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the Crump family sit at the Peace Mission?
(a) In the pews.
(b) On the stoop.
(c) At a banquet table.
(d) In the meeting hall.

2. On what setting does Act Two, Scene 2, open?
(a) The subway.
(b) Brower Park.
(c) The Crump kitchen.
(d) The Crump living room.

3. Why does Ermina’s leg shake in Act Two, Scene 2?
(a) She is scared.
(b) Her leg hurts.
(c) She is nervous because she stole the lace.
(d) She doesn't like Gerte.

4. Who does Ernestine say would not like Godfrey and Gerte’s marriage?
(a) Lily and Sandra's mother.
(b) Lily.
(c) Sandra.
(d) Father Divine.

5. Where does Godfrey invite Gerte in Act One, Scene 5?
(a) Pensacola.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Harlem.
(d) The Peace Mission.

6. On what does Gerte congratulate Ernestine in Act One, Scene 6?
(a) Graduating.
(b) Her mother's death.
(c) Her graduation dress.
(d) Her paper.

7. Where did Gerte grow up?
(a) In a small town about 70 kilometers from Berlin.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Pensacola.

8. What does Ernestine say she has worked hard on?
(a) A newspaper article.
(b) Notes.
(c) Her graduation dress.
(d) Her paper.

9. Who is the jazz musician Gerte heard in Berlin?
(a) Mambo.
(b) Father Divine.
(c) Pierre Broussard.
(d) Papo.

10. What accessory for Ernestine’s graduation dress do Lily and Gerte disagree about?
(a) The gloves.
(b) The stockings.
(c) The hat.
(d) Lace.

11. Why does Father Divine not attend the event in Act Two, Scene 1?
(a) He had a conflict.
(b) He changed his mind.
(c) He wasn't supposed to.
(d) He got a flat tire.

12. What does Ermina ask Gerte in Act Two, Scene 2?
(a) If Gerte speaks English.
(b) If Gerte was a Nazi.
(c) If Gerte's immigration status is legal.
(d) If Gerte's hair is really blonde.

13. How long is Godfrey missing from the house in Act One, Scene 5?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 1 day.
(d) 2 days.

14. Why does Ernestine say Ermina will not go to the dance?
(a) The dance will be cancelled.
(b) She will get sick.
(c) Godfrey will not let her.
(d) No one will ask her.

15. What does Ernestine call Gerte that offends Gerte?
(a) Nazi.
(b) Mrs. Crump.
(c) Ma'am.
(d) Gerte.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what setting does the scene shift at the beginning of Act One, Scene 5?

2. What language does Ermina speak?

3. Why does Ernestine not want to go to the movies with Gerte?

4. What does Gerte ask Ernestine to get in Act Two, Scene 2?

5. About what does Lily reminisce in Act Two, Scene 1?

(see the answer keys)

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