Crow Killer; the Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Raymond W. Thorp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crow Killer; the Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Raymond W. Thorp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Old John Hatcher make Johnston do to one of their attackers?
(a) Scalp the Indian.
(b) Rob the Indian.
(c) Turn the Indian over to the sheriff.
(d) Tie up the Indian.

2. What happened to the reputation of the Crow as a result of Johnston's vendetta against them?
(a) They were mocked by other tribes and called cowards.
(b) They were considered mighty warriors.
(c) They were considered too old to fight and win.
(d) They were considered unlucky and cursed.

3. What color was John Johnston's hair?
(a) Black.
(b) Gray.
(c) Red.
(d) Blonde.

4. How did Johnston identify the Crow Indians as The Swan's killers?
(a) The Crow braves who killed her bragged about the act.
(b) The Swan lived long enough to identify her attackers.
(c) A lone eagle feather, the tribe's sign, was at the murder scene.
(d) Her killers stole her locket which Johnston recognized.

5. What did Johnston use to knock out the Crow sentry in Chapter 7?
(a) A rock.
(b) A stick.
(c) A coffee pot.
(d) A spear.

6. What items did Johnston bring to the trading post to trade once he began his vendetta against the Crow?
(a) Crow horses.
(b) Beaver pelts and bullets.
(c) Furs and Crow scalps.
(d) Clothing and beadwork and leather stolen from the Crow.

7. What result did Johnston's fame have on Indians who ambushed him?
(a) They greatly feared him.
(b) They doubted the truth of his reputation and wanted to test it.
(c) They respected him.
(d) They mocked him.

8. What did Johnston have to do to his own horse at the beginning of Chapter 8 because he had pushed it so hard?
(a) Leave it on the prairie to rest and eat.
(b) Trade it to the Indians.
(c) Sell it.
(d) Shoot it.

9. What color horse did Joe Robidoux sell Johnston?
(a) Roan.
(b) White.
(c) Gray.
(d) Black.

10. Who helped Mrs. Morgan bury her three children and her husband's scalp?
(a) John Johnston.
(b) The Morgan children.
(c) Del Gue.
(d) Arkansas Pete.

11. What happened to Johnston's reputation with the local townspeople once the reason for his vendetta against the Crow became public knowledge?
(a) It softened and he gained public sympathy.
(b) It stayed about the same.
(c) It worsened a bit.
(d) It worsened a lot and people wanted him arrested for murder.

12. Which of the following was not a quality of the Crow Indians?
(a) They were artisans.
(b) They were proud and brave.
(c) They were family oriented.
(d) They were fisherman.

13. In what formation did Big Robert's warriors ride toward the Flathead camp in Chapter 7?
(a) In a ceremonial circle.
(b) In groups of three.
(c) A cavalcade with scouts in front and back.
(d) In pairs.

14. How many horses did the Flathead tribe have corralled near their camp for trading with the Crow in Chapter 8?
(a) Five hundred.
(b) One dozen.
(c) Two hundred.
(d) One thousand.

15. How many warriors did Chief Big Robert send to hunt down Johnston?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Ten.
(c) One thousand.
(d) Eight hundred.

Short Answer Questions

1. By what nickname did Mrs. Morgan become known after the attack on her family?

2. What role did Crow Indian women have in the tribal council?

3. What did Johnston do to the Crow horses in Chapter 7?

4. How did Johnston prepare his cabin for the winter in Chapter 9?

5. To which Indian tribe did the raiding party that attacked the Morgan family in 1846 belong?

(see the answer keys)

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