Crow Killer; the Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Raymond W. Thorp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crow Killer; the Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Raymond W. Thorp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Crow Killer; the Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Four: Brother of the Crows, Chapters 19 through 24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what wood were the handles of Johnston's Colt Walker revolver and his Bowie knife made?
(a) Mahogany.
(b) Oak.
(c) Pine.
(d) Rosewood.

2. What kind of footwear did Arkansas Pete wear?
(a) Moccasins.
(b) Heavy cavalry boots.
(c) Brogans.
(d) He went barefoot.

3. With what type of rifle did the Army replace Johnston's Hawken?
(a) A Springfield.
(b) A Spencer.
(c) A Winchester.
(d) A Remington.

4. What item buried with the bones of Johnston's wife and baby revealed that the Crow were responsible for the deaths of Johnston's family?
(a) A Crow warrior's moccasin.
(b) A beaded necklace made by the Crow.
(c) A single Eagle feather.
(d) A Crow chief's tomahawk.

5. When The Wolf captured Johnston, what did he tell Johnston he intended to do with him?
(a) Torture and then kill him.
(b) Trade him to the Crows.
(c) Give Johnston his choice of Blackfoot women to marry.
(d) Make him an honorary chief of the Blackfoot tribe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other tribes contributed warriors to Johnston's forces when he rode out to do as Wahni's son had asked?

2. In Chapter 19, which tribe of Indians attacked and killed Shoshoni women and children out gathering roots on the prairie?

3. Which Ute chief was Modeno's enemy?

4. When the Sioux attacked Fort Kearney in 1866, to where did Colonel Carrington, the commanding officer, need a volunteer to ride for reinforcements and assistance?

5. Which of the following statements does not describe the bowl of soup an old woman brought Johnston while he was held captive by the Blackfoot Indians?

(see the answer key)

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