Crossroads: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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Crossroads: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Pastor Haefle see Russ in his office after the Haefle party?
(a) To bring him liquor and leftovers.
(b) To bring him leftovers and talk about his relationship with Frances.
(c) To yell at him for Judson’s behavior at the party.
(d) To talk about his relationship with Marion.

2. Where did Russ spend 40 days working as a ranch hand in Arizona as a young man after the war?
(a) Diné Bikénahi.
(b) Diné Bikéyah.
(c) Bnai Brith.
(d) Biné Dikéyah.

3. At the Crossroads meeting, what does Larry tell Russ about why Frances took down all of his dead father’s photos around the house?
(a) Because she loves her husband’s photos.
(b) Because of the doctor boyfriend Frances is seeing.
(c) Because of being in love with Russ.
(d) Because the photos were dusty.

4. Why does Russ go to Ambrose’s office to talk to him after the car accident with Frances in the car?
(a) To fire Ambrose.
(b) To argue with Ambrose.
(c) To apologize to Ambrose.
(d) To hide from Ambrose.

5. What secret event in Rancho Los Amigos does Marion tell Perry happened to her at 20 years old?
(a) She became a nun.
(b) She ran off to Europe.
(c) She was a Rhodes Scholar at school.
(d) She was committed to a mental institution.

6. What is the experiment that Russ does not want Frances to do by herself?
(a) Smoke cigarettes.
(b) Smoke pot.
(c) Smoke heroin.
(d) Vape.

7. Where is Marion when Russ wakes up in his bed?
(a) Staying in Becky’s room.
(b) Staying in the kitchen.
(c) Staying in the basement.
(d) Staying in the office.

8. Who is the first person Clem tells in the family that he wants to go to the Vietnam War?
(a) Becky.
(b) Perry.
(c) Marion.
(d) Judson.

9. Why is Russ upset about Clem, now that he lives somewhere else?
(a) Clem is unemployed and homeless in another city.
(b) Clem will not share his money with the family.
(c) Clem will not share his address with the family.
(d) Clem will only tell his brother Judson about is new life.

10. Why does Marion hold on to her guilt about trying to get an abortion?
(a) The guilt is spiritually healthy.
(b) The guilt belongs to someone else.
(c) The guilt is a one-time feeling.
(d) The guilt is nonexistent.

11. What does Russ see walking back for seven hours, on his way to the Mesa, after the Navajo event?
(a) A wolf that he thinks is a devil.
(b) A coyote that he thinks is a wolf.
(c) A falcon that he thinks is an angel.
(d) A buzzard that he thinks is an angel.

12. Who does Tanner admit he wants to be with at the concert?
(a) Kitty.
(b) Laura.
(c) Kim.
(d) Becky.

13. What does Marion want to be with Bradley now?
(a) A “crazy lady.”
(b) A “sinner among women.”
(c) A “crazed adulterer.”
(d) A “full crazy sinner.”

14. When Laura gets mad at Becky and screams for her to leave, what does Becky immediately do?
(a) Drops to her knees to pray.
(b) Falls backwards in fear.
(c) Falls on the floor and faints.
(d) Runs out of the house.

15. Who does Russ want Frances to stop hanging around at the church?
(a) Catherine.
(b) Kitty.
(c) Sharon.
(d) Melissa.

Short Answer Questions

1. What occupation is Russ’s father?

2. What is Randy doing when Perry goes into Randy’s house?

3. On what street did Russ have the accident while driving with Frances?

4. What did Russ want to do immediately after Frances left his pastoral office at the church, after the car accident?

5. Which Indian group warned the church group away from Kitsillie on the church mission trip?

(see the answer keys)

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