Crossroads: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crossroads: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which Indian group warned the church group away from Kitsillie on the church mission trip?
(a) Apaches.
(b) Navajos.
(c) Cherokees.
(d) Sioux.

2. Becky knows there are zero teens registered for the Spring mission’s trip, and how many are needed to register?
(a) 60.
(b) 40.
(c) 50.
(d) 30.

3. Russ thinks Frances may be what, based on her new “hunger for new experiences”?
(a) A swinger.
(b) A woman’s libber.
(c) A tomboy.
(d) A lesbian.

4. What does Marion say to Clem when he says he wants to go join the military?
(a) It is his decision to make.
(b) It is his girlfriend’s decision to make.
(c) It is the family’s decision to make.
(d) It is his father’s decision to make.

5. How does Russ think that Frances feels about him, after they agree to meet to smoke pot together?
(a) That she is fired up by him.
(b) That she can not wait to see him.
(c) That she is cooling on him.
(d) That she loves him.

6. Why did Russ’s old Navajo friend Keith Durochie tell him not to go to Kitsillie on the church mission trip?
(a) Because it is too dangerous.
(b) Because there are too many tourists there.
(c) Because it is flooded from a storm.
(d) Because it is a ghost town.

7. What action does Marion take when she reads the note from Perry that he is at the Haefle’s party without her permission?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Yawns.
(d) Cries.

8. Russ and Frances go where to find Clyde, to make peace with the Navajos after they destroyed the mission group property?
(a) Fallen Arrow.
(b) Broken Arrow.
(c) Rocky Mountain.
(d) Fallen Rocks.

9. Where in Arizona does Russ meet Marion the first time?
(a) In a library in Flagstaff.
(b) In a bookstore in Flagstaff.
(c) On the road with a broken-down car.
(d) In a Navajo meeting house.

10. Why did Pastor Haefle see Russ in his office after the Haefle party?
(a) To bring him leftovers and talk about his relationship with Frances.
(b) To yell at him for Judson’s behavior at the party.
(c) To bring him liquor and leftovers.
(d) To talk about his relationship with Marion.

11. What does Ambrose say to Russ regarding respect between the two men?
(a) Ambrose writes a letter to Russ.
(b) Ambrose is silent regarding respecting Russ.
(c) Ambrose says he no longer respects Russ.
(d) Ambrose says he highly respects Russ.

12. Who does Becky apologize to for kissing Tanner in his van?
(a) Pastor Haefle.
(b) Marion.
(c) Russ.
(d) God.

13. Why does Russ go to Ambrose’s office to talk to him after the car accident with Frances in the car?
(a) To fire Ambrose.
(b) To apologize to Ambrose.
(c) To argue with Ambrose.
(d) To hide from Ambrose.

14. Who tells Russ to go to Tuba City to help the Navajos there make a better life?
(a) Jerrod Ginchy.
(b) George Ginchy.
(c) Jerrod Grimes.
(d) George Grinchy.

15. What secret event in Rancho Los Amigos does Marion tell Perry happened to her at 20 years old?
(a) She was committed to a mental institution.
(b) She was a Rhodes Scholar at school.
(c) She ran off to Europe.
(d) She became a nun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the landlord do when Marion came to Isabelle’s apartment?

2. What day did Russ plan to go to Frances’ house to smoke pot together?

3. When Becky goes to Laura’s house after she quit the band, how does she get into the house?

4. When Marion told Sophie of Marion’s abortion, Sophie acted how towards Marion?

5. Which person finally allows Perry to come over to his house to buy drugs?

(see the answer keys)

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