Crossing to Safety Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crossing to Safety Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the family having a picnic?
(a) Folsom Hill
(b) A state park
(c) Kennebunkport
(d) The back yard

2. Larry says that people are made to _______________________________.
(a) Survive whatever happens to them
(b) Improve the world
(c) Find their destiny
(d) Be happy

3. What does Charity say is all she needed to make her death the way she has envisioned it?
(a) To see her grandchildren
(b) To see her children
(c) To see Larry and Sally
(d) To see another Christmas

4. What does Sally need to help her get around?
(a) Wheelchair
(b) Crutches
(c) Canes
(d) Sturdy shoes

5. Where did Sid teach after losing his job in Wisconsin?
(a) Duke
(b) Yale
(c) Princeton
(d) Dartmouth

6. Why does Sid not want to go on the picnic?
(a) He has to get up early tomorrow
(b) He has had the flu
(c) He knows Charity is planning to die when he's gone
(d) He sunburns too easily

7. Who is Hallie's husband?
(a) Marv
(b) Moe
(c) Martin
(d) Mark

8. What location is the setting for Larry's new novel?
(a) Maine
(b) Montana
(c) New Mexico
(d) Monaco

9. Charity says that there is no decent literature on what subject?
(a) Cancer treatments
(b) How to die
(c) Environmentalism
(d) Cultivating raspberries

10. What is Charity giving to each of her children?
(a) Copies of her will
(b) Books she has kept about them since birth
(c) Family heirlooms
(d) Jewelry and clothing

11. Who is Hallie's husband?
(a) John
(b) Joe
(c) Jim
(d) Jack

12. How does Larry describe the foursome of the Langs and the Morgans?
(a) A great golf team
(b) Two Adams and two Eves
(c) Twin siblings of different mothers
(d) Two peas in a pod

13. What has Charity planned?
(a) Tonight's dinner
(b) The lives of her husband, children and grandchildren
(c) Her own funeral
(d) Summer vacation

14. What are Larry and Sally doing as the chapter begins?
(a) Having dinner
(b) Golfing
(c) Shopping
(d) Sitting on the cabin porch

15. Why is Charity impatient with Sid?
(a) He has tracked mud into the house
(b) He has not made dinner reservations
(c) He will not face facts
(d) He did not mail the insurance payment

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sid finally rationalize?

2. What does Charity do when she sees the Morgans?

3. What is Charity's plan?

4. How does Sally get to the terrace?

5. For what reason does Sally express regret?

(see the answer keys)

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