Crossing to Safety Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crossing to Safety Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Larry and Sally go on Friday night?
(a) The theater
(b) Sid and Charity's home
(c) The movies
(d) Out to dinner

2. Where is Sid and Charity's vacation house located?
(a) Massachusetts
(b) South Carolina
(c) Maine
(d) Florida

3. Why does Larry feel he doesn't fit in with the other professors?
(a) He doesn't have tenure
(b) He is much older than they are
(c) He is too inexperienced
(d) He didn't go to an Ivy League school

4. What type of study did Charity complete for Sid?
(a) A list of professors with their projected tenure dates
(b) Economics in post-Depression America
(c) Art education in the inner cities
(d) The work of Robert Frost

5. Who lavishes praise on Larry and Sally at the party?
(a) Aunt Eileen
(b) Aunt Eleanor
(c) Aunt Ellen
(d) Aunt Emily

6. What is Sid doing as Part 1: Chapter 9 begins?
(a) Taking a walk
(b) Teaching a class
(c) Sleeping
(d) Reading a book

7. How is Sid characterized?
(a) A good old boy
(b) Michaelangelo out of carrara
(c) Arrogant and elusive
(d) The boy next door

8. What type of building does Charity's father have in the woods?
(a) A woodworking shop
(b) A think house
(c) An outhouse
(d) A studio

9. Who convinces the doctor to let Larry into Sally's room?
(a) Sid
(b) A nurse
(c) Charity
(d) Larry

10. With what does Larry bail out the boat?
(a) Boot
(b) Hat
(c) Coffee can
(d) Bucket

11. Where have Charity and her husband come from?
(a) Harvard
(b) Rutgers
(c) Princeton
(d) Yale

12. Who takes care of Charity's children most of the time?
(a) A nanny
(b) Her neighbor
(c) Sally
(d) Her mother

13. How is the lifestyle of the Langs described?
(a) Struggling
(b) Poverty
(c) Wealthy
(d) Comfortable

14. What do Larry and Sid talk about?
(a) Their careers
(b) The stock market
(c) Art collecting
(d) Cigars

15. What is Larry's profession?
(a) Electrician
(b) Doctor
(c) Professor
(d) Lawyer

Short Answer Questions

1. What year is it in the story in Part 1, Chapter 2?

2. What was Sid's area of study before switching to English?

3. Why is Charity so amazed by Larry and Sally?

4. What material has Sid had published?

5. How does Larry occupy his time in the summer?

(see the answer keys)

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