Crossing the River Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crossing the River Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the Duke of York headed to its destination?
(a) To drop off slaves.
(b) To pick up goods like tobacco and cotton.
(c) To drop off goods like tobacco and cotton.
(d) To pick up and transport slaves.

2. Who does Hamilton write to while he is on the ship?
(a) His new wife.
(b) His mother.
(c) Mr. Ellis.
(d) His father.

3. What happens to Joyce's mother?
(a) She dies of a stroke.
(b) She moves to London.
(c) She dies in a bombing.
(d) She survives a bombing.

4. What profession does Joyce have when she is married?
(a) She works in a food warehouse.
(b) She is a clerk.
(c) She has no profession.
(d) She runs a store with her husband.

5. When does Joyce marry for the first time?
(a) Christmas, 1936.
(b) Christmas,1937.
(c) September, 1940.
(d) September, 1939.

6. How old is Joyce?
(a) Early 20s.
(b) Early 30s.
(c) Early 40s.
(d) Late 40s.

7. Where does "Somewhere in England" take place?
(a) The English countryside.
(b) France.
(c) Liverpool, England.
(d) Italy.

8. Where is the "cargo" being transported?
(a) Africa.
(b) Canada.
(c) The Americas.
(d) England.

9. Who dies in November 1940?
(a) Chamberlain.
(b) Hitler.
(c) Joyce's mother.
(d) Len.

10. What did the captain of the Fortune die of?
(a) Malaria.
(b) Mumps.
(c) A heart attack.
(d) Measles.

11. What group does Len join in 1940?
(a) The British Army.
(b) The Navy.
(c) Local Defense Volunteers.
(d) The Army.

12. What does Hamilton worry about in regards to buying slaves?
(a) He is worried about his profit.
(b) He is worries about selling it later.
(c) He is worried about what do with the profit.
(d) He is worried about what his wife will think.

13. Who is Mr. Davey?
(a) The second mate.
(b) The captain.
(c) The ship's boatswain.
(d) The first mate.

14. What did the first crew member die of?
(a) Smallpox.
(b) Mumps.
(c) Fever.
(d) He was killed.

15. What does Hamilton do as a result of the events of the tornado?
(a) He changes course.
(b) He frees some slaves.
(c) He discharges his first mate to be the new captain of another ship.
(d) He steals the cargo of the other ship.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Joyce meet around 1939?

2. How does Joyce's mother treat Joyce?

3. What does Sandra confess in March 1940?

4. Who is caught stealing brandy?

5. What did Captain Hamilton find in the slaves' quarters?

(see the answer keys)

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