Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Franklin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Franklin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what location does Silas emerge when he crawls the length of Wallace Stringfellow's house?
(a) Near the woodpile.
(b) Near the front door.
(c) Near the fountain.
(d) Near the back door.

2. Wallace Stringfellow says that he had enjoyed listening to what sound as a child?
(a) His father strangling his mother.
(b) His mother hurting his sister.
(c) His mother having sex with various men.
(d) The rain falling onto the roof.

3. Who is NOT listed among the people Larry names as the only four who know about a particular topic?
(a) Wallace Stringfellow.
(b) Silas.
(c) Silas's mother Alice.
(d) Angie.

4. How long after Silas is warned about his relationship with Cindy does she disappear?
(a) Around six months.
(b) Less than a month.
(c) Less than a year.
(d) Less than a week.

5. When Silas enters Wallace's Stringfellow's house, he sees an aquarium full of what?
(a) Fish.
(b) Kittens.
(c) Spiders.
(d) Snakes.

6. In Chapter 10, it is revealed that the dead body Silas finds within the cabin belongs to whom?
(a) Wallace Stringfellow.
(b) Ina Ott.
(c) Carl Ott.
(d) Tina Rutherford.

7. Wallace Stringfellow tells Larry that sometimes women want which two different actions taken against them?
(a) To be left alone and to be trusted.
(b) To be pampered and trusted.
(c) To be trusted and adored.
(d) To be raped and hurt.

8. To how many channels does Larry have access during his stay in the hospital?
(a) 75.
(b) 5.
(c) 100+.
(d) 50.

9. When Larry wakes up from his coma, he learns that Silas is the one who had taken what action?
(a) Killed Tina Rutherford.
(b) Cooked Angie dinner.
(c) Saved Larry's life.
(d) Shattered Larry's windshield.

10. Onto what parts of Larry's body does Lolly fasten restraints once the interview is over?
(a) His wrists.
(b) His waist and his ankles.
(c) His ankles.
(d) His wrists and his ankles.

11. In what task is Miss Voncille immersed when Silas sees her in Town Hall and asks her for a favor?
(a) Planning the Fourth of July parade.
(b) Doing her taxes.
(c) Sending out parking tickets.
(d) Balancing the town's budget.

12. In what sport had Silas been a star at the time when he met Cindy?
(a) Diving.
(b) Swimming.
(c) Baseball.
(d) Racquetball.

13. Who is interrogating Larry when Silas arrives to interrupt the interview?
(a) An FBI agent.
(b) French and Lolly.
(c) Lolly.
(d) French.

14. Chapter 10 shifts back and forth throughout which time periods in the novel?
(a) The past and the future.
(b) The present and the past.
(c) The present and the future.
(d) The distant past and the recent past.

15. What name does Silas call the dog tied up outside Wallace Stringfellow's house as he gets out of his Jeep?
(a) Jaws.
(b) Tex.
(c) Cujo.
(d) Varmint.

Short Answer Questions

1. What scent does Silas NOT smell as he steps inside of Wallace Stringfellow's house?

2. What two sources of help are unavailable to Silas during his altercation with Wallace Stringfellow?

3. When Larry discovers who the intruder is in his barn, what is NOT a quality of the intruder?

4. Who ultimately kills Wallace Stringfellow, according to a news report?

5. To what horror novel does the scene of the dog John Wayne Gacy allude?

(see the answer keys)

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