Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amelia do when she sees Emerson's sadness over the destruction of his work?

2. What does Lucas propose foiled the plan to catch Mohammed leave his house one night?

3. What is the name of Lucas' boat?

4. Who does Emerson think engaged the mummy to frighten the Emersons away?

5. Why does Radcliffe believe Amelia needs recuperative sleep after their meeting?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lucas offer to Radcliffe as an apology for taking artifacts from the country? How does Emerson respond to the gift, and why?

2. The argument between Lucas and Walter and the subsequent engagement of Walter and Evelyn gives resolution to one of the love interests in the book. The problem of the mummy remains. What is the author doing in this chapter to prepare the reader for the climax of the mystery?

3. When Radcliffe arrives at the excavation site the morning after the failed capture of the mummy, what does he find? Who is with him? What do the two of them discuss? What changes are we seeing in these two strong-willed characters?

4. What does Lucas do when Michael attempts to speak to Amelia in private? Why has Lucas done this? Why does Amelia react the way she does?

5. Who appears unannounced and uninvited to see Amelia and Evelyn? How is he greeted by the two women and the Emersons? Is it clear whether he is one of the protagonists or an antagonist?

6. What plan does Radcliffe come up with for the mummy the next evening, and why? What does he hope to prove? How do Amelia and Lucas play into the plan? What change do we see coming over Radcliffe as he makes this plan?

7. When Radcliffe and Amelia are trapped with the ailing Michael by Lucas, what do the two realize about what has really been happening and Lucas' involvement in it all?

8. Where do the two couples settle down to live their married lives? Do the four main characters all get what they want at the end of the novel? Why is this a satisfying end to the story?

9. When Amelia wakes in the middle of the night, she finds Radcliffe in her room. Why is he there, and how does he protect Amelia? How does this scene compare to those in earlier chapters between the two characters?

10. How does Radcliffe respond to Lucas' accidental shooting of his brother, Walter? How does this incident confirm what Radcliffe has thought of Lucas from the day they met?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There is more than one climax in this novel. Define what a climax of a story is, and then identify the two points of climax in the story. How does each hold up to our definition of the purpose of the climax? Does the author satisfy the reader's hopes for the stories?

Essay Topic 2

The two strong characters in the novel are Radcliffe and Amelia. The quieter, more reserved characters are Walter and Evelyn. In what ways are Radcliffe and Amelia similar, and does this add to the love story in the novel? In what ways are Walter and Evelyn similar, and are they believable characters?

Essay Topic 3

Throughout her novel, the author builds suspense to keep the reader interested. Name three of the techniques used to build suspense and give examples of each.

(see the answer keys)

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