Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amelia demand of one of the onlookers when she reaches the fallen woman on the street?

2. Where do Amelia and Evelyn stay while in Cairo?

3. What does Amelia have the men build so that she may continue to work on the pavement?

4. What do Evelyn and Amelia decide to do first thing in the morning after their midnight talk?

5. What hills surround the pyramids near Cairo?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Evelyn during dinner the last night in Cairo? Who has come to visit her, and why? What do we learn about Evelyn?

2. Why does Amelia believe Evelyn's story and take her on as a traveling companion? Does she check any of the facts Evelyn presents about herself?

3. Why do Amelia and Evelyn decide to amend their plans and remain in Beni Hassan with the Emersons? Are both women happy with the decision? Why?

4. In the morning after their dinner on the balcony, Walter arrives at their lodgings with news. What is he excited about? Why is the news important?

5. What important thing do Amelia and Walter discover when they go into the tomb? What do they find, and what do they notice is missing?

6. When Amelia takes Evelyn shopping, what does she learn about Evelyn? What does she learn about herself? Why is this important to Amelia?

7. In Chapter 2, the author introduces a group of male characters. Two of them are to travel with Amelia and Evelyn. Who are these men? What do we learn about them in this chapter? Does the reader know what role these characters play in the story?

8. In Chapter 2, Amelia arranges for transportation for herself and Evelyn through Egypt. What method of transportation does she choose, and why? How does she go about making the arrangements? How do the fellow guests at the hotel respond to her idea?

9. What is the pavement of Khuenaten? What roles do Amelia and Evelyn play in preserving the pavement? What importance does this pavement have in the development of the story?

10. What does Lucas tell Evelyn that her grandfather had done with all of her possessions? How does she react to this story? How does Amelia react?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Often, mystery writers are accused of withholding information from their readers in order to make it impossible to solve the mystery before the protagonists do. Was all the information needed to solve the case fairly presented in the novel? If you think so, outline some of the important details about the antagonists that were revealed earlier in the story, If not, what pieces of information were withheld, and were they important to solving the mystery?

Essay Topic 2

There are many characters in the novel who play against each other as foils. Identify three of these relationships, and explain how each person is enhanced by the characterization of the other.

Essay Topic 3

When Radcliffe and Amelia first argue, it is over the treatment of Egyptian treasures and antiquities. What position does each take on the subject, and what is their reasoning? Who ends up changing their position, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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