Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amelia see as she stares into the dark night?
(a) A vision of what the land must have been like in the time of the pharaohs.
(b) A vision of the wars between battling Egyptian forces.
(c) A vision of building her house here.
(d) A vision of her wedding at this site.

2. Who are the only two people who have not been harmed during the search for the mummy's identity?
(a) Radcliffe and Evelyn.
(b) Michael and Amelia.
(c) Amelia and Evelyn.
(d) Amelia and Lucas.

3. How does the mummy escape with his victim?
(a) He runs away from the site and toward the Philae.
(b) He jumps off a ledge and runs away.
(c) He jumps off a cliff and into a lake.
(d) He runs down the path and out to the road.

4. What does Emerson ask Amelia to promise when he leaves her on her boat and heads back to Walter?
(a) To not speak to him again.
(b) To follow the plan and be careful
(c) To eat a light dinner.
(d) To signal when the mummy has arrived.

5. Why does Emerson say he referred to Amelia by calling her "Amelia" instead of Peabody?
(a) "A moment of aberration."
(b) "An honest mistake."
(c) "A foolish mistake."
(d) "A slip of the tongue."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who among the group is best able to read the papyrus?

2. Why has Lucas Hayes joined the group in Amarna?

3. What do Emerson and Amelia deduce about Evelyn while stuck in their tomb?

4. What does Lucas say to Michael when he approaches the table?

5. Who does Lucas shoot and wound?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Radcliffe respond to Lucas' accidental shooting of his brother, Walter? How does this incident confirm what Radcliffe has thought of Lucas from the day they met?

2. Why has Lucas invented this elaborate plot to capture Evelyn and force her to marry him? What are his real motives?

3. in the end, everyone decides not to take Lucas to court for what he has done. Why do they make this decision, and what happens to Lucas?

4. What does Lucas do when Michael attempts to speak to Amelia in private? Why has Lucas done this? Why does Amelia react the way she does?

5. What does Lucas offer to Radcliffe as an apology for taking artifacts from the country? How does Emerson respond to the gift, and why?

6. Why does Radcliffe want to speak with Amelia alone? Have his opinions of her changed in the last few days? How?

7. What does Lucas do to celebrate the engagement of Evelyn and Walter? What does he say about his broken heart? What wish does he have for the couple?

8. What does Amelia reveal to Walter that causes him to run after Evelyn and declare his love? How does Radcliffe react to his younger brother's impulsiveness?

9. When Amelia wakes in the middle of the night, she finds Radcliffe in her room. Why is he there, and how does he protect Amelia? How does this scene compare to those in earlier chapters between the two characters?

10. Where do the two couples settle down to live their married lives? Do the four main characters all get what they want at the end of the novel? Why is this a satisfying end to the story?

(see the answer keys)

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