Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amelia see standing over her bed in the middle of the night?
(a) An apparition swathed in white mist.
(b) Evelyn in her nightgown.
(c) A burglar dressed in black.
(d) Alberto in a costume.

2. Where do Amelia and Evelyn first go to see the pyramids?
(a) Alexandria.
(b) Gazah.
(c) Outside of Cairo.
(d) Gizeh.

3. What well-known Frenchman does Amelia want to meet while at the museum?
(a) M. Kingsley.
(b) M. Masanni.
(c) M. Maspero.
(d) M. Cooperman.

4. Why does Michael come in search of Amelia when she is shopping for medical supplies?
(a) His daughter has run away.
(b) His daughter has left with M.Maspero.
(c) His daughter is sick and needs medical attention.
(d) His daughter is having a baby.

5. Where are Radcliffe and Walter Emerson headed off to next?
(a) Cairo.
(b) Amarna.
(c) Khartoum.
(d) Alexandria.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has followed Evelyn to Cairo and appears at her door her last night there?

2. What does Amelia receive upon her father's death?

3. Who do Emerson and Amelia go to visit in the village?

4. What tonic does Amelia finally get Emerson to swallow?

5. What does Evelyn want to learn more about so that she may improve her drawings?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 2, Amelia arranges for transportation for herself and Evelyn through Egypt. What method of transportation does she choose, and why? How does she go about making the arrangements? How do the fellow guests at the hotel respond to her idea?

2. Why does Amelia suggest they stop in Armana? What does she hope will happen while they are in Armana? Is this in keeping with her personality?

3. Why does Amelia believe Evelyn's story and take her on as a traveling companion? Does she check any of the facts Evelyn presents about herself?

4. What do the group discuss at dinner the first night Radcliffe is able to join them on the balcony for the meal? What is the mood during dinner?

5. What plan does Amelia come up with to solve the problem and catch the walking mummy? What characters are involved in the plan? Who do they suspect to be the mummy who comes out at night?

6. Amelia goes to bed after meeting Alberto and has a disturbing experience. What does she see and what happens? What qualities of Amelia's are reinforced in this event?

7. How does Amelia describe Lucas Hayes? As the visit continues, how do the two respond to each other? Are they on friendly terms at the end of the chapter? Is Lucas the kind of man Amelia would find interesting or entertaining?

8. What happens to Evelyn during dinner the last night in Cairo? Who has come to visit her, and why? What do we learn about Evelyn?

9. In Chapter 2, the author introduces a group of male characters. Two of them are to travel with Amelia and Evelyn. Who are these men? What do we learn about them in this chapter? Does the reader know what role these characters play in the story?

10. What do Amelia and Evelyn do as they spend their time in Amarna tending to Radcliffe? Each is affected differently. How does each woman respond to her work?

(see the answer keys)

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