Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lucas suggest to Amelia as a means of helping them both fall asleep?
(a) Warm milk.
(b) Hot cocoa.
(c) Another glass of wine.
(d) A short moonlight stroll.

2. What sounds do Radcliffe and Amelia hear as they are tending to the victim on the path?
(a) Truck horns.
(b) Gunfire.
(c) An avalanche.
(d) Evelyn's screams.

3. What has Lucas brought with him to the camp site for protection?
(a) A knife.
(b) A loaded gun.
(c) A chainsaw.
(d) A shotgun.

4. What is Amelia left to do while the others are chasing the mummy?
(a) Fix dinner for the group.
(b) Tend to Michael.
(c) Make a fire in the tomb.
(d) Find Hassain.

5. Where does Michael go after he recovers from his injuries while held captive?
(a) He stays with Radcliffe and Amelia.
(b) He returns to Cairo.
(c) He leaves for Alexandria.
(d) He goes on the hunt for Lucas.

6. Who do Emerson and Amelia find at the bottom of the path?
(a) A wounded Lucas.
(b) A wounded Abdullah.
(c) A wounded Michael.
(d) A wounded Walter.

7. What does Evelyn announce as they are having tea?
(a) She is marrying Walter.
(b) She is in love with Radcliffe.
(c) She is leaving on the next train.
(d) She is marrying Lucas and leaving right away.

8. Where does Emerson go the morning after the foiled attempt to find the identity of the mummy?
(a) To his tomb.
(b) To his balcony for rest.
(c) To find Abdullah.
(d) To his pavement worksite.

9. Who announces to the group that a visitor has arrived?
(a) Michael.
(b) Abdullah.
(c) Mohammed.
(d) Hassan.

10. What do Emerson and Amelia deduce about Evelyn while stuck in their tomb?
(a) She must have been in love with Lucas when she was younger.
(b) She must have inherited her grandfather's money.
(c) She must have been sick when she was in Rome.
(d) She must have been lying about Alberto.

11. What does Walter want Amelia and Evelyn to do now that the danger has increased?
(a) Return to the boat.
(b) Leave the camp immediately.
(c) Look for Michael to take care of them.
(d) Let Lucas take them home.

12. What does Amelia tell Radcliffe as they end their conversation about Walter and Evelyn?
(a) His pocket is on fire.
(b) His hair is on fire.
(c) His shoe is on fire.
(d) His tent is on fire.

13. Why has Radcliffe entered Amelia's room with a gun?
(a) To kill the cobra on her bed.
(b) To murder her.
(c) To scare the mummy from its hiding place.
(d) To scare her.

14. What is the crocodile a symbol for in the reading of the papyrus?
(a) The dangers lovers will risk for true love.
(b) The importance of nature to the Egyptians.
(c) The dangers of crossing the NIle.
(d) The god-like status of the crocodile.

15. Who are the only two people who have not been harmed during the search for the mummy's identity?
(a) Amelia and Lucas.
(b) Radcliffe and Evelyn.
(c) Amelia and Evelyn.
(d) Michael and Amelia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amelia consider an intolerable solution to the problem of the mummy?

2. What does Lucas offer to obtain for Evelyn?

3. Why has Lucas Hayes joined the group in Amarna?

4. What plan do Radcliffe and Amelia make to escape from the tomb in which they are trapped by Lucas?

5. When did Lucas actually arrive in a town nearby to Amarna?

(see the answer keys)

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