Criss Cross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lynne Rae Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Criss Cross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lynne Rae Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Debbie and Patty hiding?
(a) In the janitor's closet.
(b) In the girl's bathroom.
(c) In the department store's fitting rooms.
(d) In the rhododendrons.

2. What has improved in Debbie's personality?
(a) She has more self esteem.
(b) She is more confident.
(c) She is less grouchy.
(d) She is feeling more comfortable around boys.

3. What do Lenny, Hector, Phil, Debbie and Patty do daily?
(a) Go to the beach.
(b) Listen to "All Things in Time."
(c) Listen to "Criss Cross."
(d) Go to the public pool.

4. What fascinates Hector when he goes with Rowanne?
(a) The guitarist.
(b) A girl who is sketching a picture at the museum.
(c) A girl who is surfing.
(d) A girl who is singing karaoke.

5. What ability does the peaceful, alien culture have?
(a) To go into long-term hibernation.
(b) Mental telepathy.
(c) To levitate.
(d) Telekinesis.

6. What happens as the summer progresses to Lenny, Hector, Phil, Debbie and Patty?
(a) They decide to travel to Washington D. C.
(b) They get to know each other and enjoy each other's company.
(c) They pair off, leaving Phil out of the group.
(d) They drift apart.

7. Who is Rowanne?
(a) Hector's youngest sister.
(b) Hector's mother.
(c) Hector's older sister.
(d) Hector's girl friend.

8. What age group are Debbie, Hector, Lenny, Phil and Patty?
(a) Young teens.
(b) Mid-twenties.
(c) Pre-teen.
(d) Six-seven years old.

9. What does Lenny still like to share with anyone who will listen?
(a) The knowledge he gleaned from encyclopedias.
(b) How to take apart and put together machinery.
(c) The songs he writes.
(d) The plots of all the comic books he read.

10. How does Debbie help her dad one day?
(a) By sorting the washer sizes in a large jar in the basement.
(b) By fitting under the kitchen sink to tighten a joint.
(c) By washing his car for an interview he has at a golf course.
(d) By holding studs while her dad nails them.

11. How does Hector pay for the lessons?
(a) He cleans the rectory.
(b) He washes the stained-glass windows.
(c) He mows the church's yard.
(d) They are free.

12. Where does Hector live in relation to Debbie?
(a) Across the street.
(b) In another town.
(c) In a different part of town.
(d) Next door.

13. What tool is Debbie trying to master in Chapter Eight?
(a) Skill saw.
(b) Basin wrench.
(c) Plumbing bob.
(d) Level.

14. Where did Lenny's mother get his reading material when he was young?
(a) The grocery store.
(b) Her older brother who was a professor.
(c) The drug store.
(d) The library.

15. Onto what does Debbie's necklace fall?
(a) A picture of a happy teenage couple.
(b) A picture of a basketful of kittens.
(c) A picture of a litter of puppies.
(d) A drawing of her best friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Debbie wish boys were more like?

2. How many other students are in the class with Hector?

3. What does Hector help his father with the following Saturday?

4. Why is Hector disappointed at music class one day?

5. Who does Patty think God may reward after death?

(see the answer keys)

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