Crispin: The Cross of Lead Test | Final Test - Easy

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crispin: The Cross of Lead Test | Final Test - Easy

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Bear say will die soon?
(a) Lord Furnival's wife.
(b) John Aycliffe.
(c) King Edward.
(d) John Ball.

2. What does Crispin pretend as he is leaving the tavern?
(a) That he is deaf.
(b) That Lady Furnival is his mother.
(c) That he is leaving the city.
(d) That he is a stable boy.

3. Upon whom does Crispin eavesdrop?
(a) John Ball and Widow Daventry.
(b) Bear and John Ball.
(c) Bear and Widow Daventry.
(d) John Ball and John Aycliffe.

4. What offer does Bear make to Crispin one night?
(a) None.
(b) To make Crispin his apprentice.
(c) To take Crispin to Crispin's father.
(d) To set Crispin free at the next village.

5. What does it mean when there is black cloth with blue and gold ribbons.
(a) Someone important has died.
(b) Bear must bow and pray.
(c) Someone important is in the city.
(d) Bear must make a tithe.

6. What has Lord Furnival not done?
(a) Left an heir.
(b) Confiscated any new lands.
(c) Raised taxes.
(d) Converted to Lutheran.

7. What does Crispin miss hearing as he eavesdrops?
(a) The sound of Bear yelling.
(b) A man sneaking up on him from behind.
(c) The sound of someone hurting Widow Deventry.
(d) Something about Lord Furnival's heir.

8. Where does Crispin hide when he hears soldiers?
(a) Under the bed.
(b) In a keg in the cellar.
(c) In a secret hiding place that Bear showed him.
(d) On the window ledge.

9. Where does Crispin go after following the soldiers?
(a) The cathedral.
(b) The main gate to the city.
(c) The prison.
(d) The Green Man tavern.

10. What shocks Crispin when he comes down for breakfast?
(a) Seeing the bruises on the Widow's face.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Seeing the one-eyed man.
(d) Seeing his mother.

11. Where is Bear as Crispin is following the soldiers?
(a) Crispin does not know where Bear is.
(b) Running in the opposite direction as the soldiers.
(c) With John Ball and the other rebels.
(d) With the soldiers.

12. What does John Aycliffe say Crispin is?
(a) A dead man.
(b) A wolf's head.
(c) A bastard serf.
(d) A liar.

13. What does Crispin promise if Bear and Crispin are allowed to leave?
(a) Crispin will never claim to be Lord Furnival's heir.
(b) That Crispin will not kill Lady Furnival.
(c) That Crispin will appoint him as his burser when Crispin claims his heritage.
(d) That Crispin will not kill John Aycliffe.

14. When does Bear think will be a better time for rebellion?
(a) When the French Revolution is successful.
(b) When the Americans are free.
(c) When Lord Furnival dies.
(d) When King Edward dies.

15. What does Cripin tell Bear as they are leaving the village?
(a) That Crispin thinks Bear is his real father.
(b) That Crispin thinks the priest knows who Crispin is.
(c) That the one-eyed man was staring at Crispin.
(d) That Crispin wants to stay in the village.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can't Crispin leave the city?

2. Where does Crispin see John Aycliffe?

3. Where does Crispin put the lead cross?

4. Where does Crispin climb?

5. To what does Crispin swear?

(see the answer keys)

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