Crimes of the Heart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crimes of the Heart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Doc come over during the card game?
(a) He wants to know if Babe is alright.
(b) He wants to see Meg.
(c) He wants to ask about Old Granddaddy.
(d) He wants to say Happy Birthday to Lenny.

2. Lenny's birthday gift turns out to be a box of candy, which suggests:
(a) Lenny is overweight.
(b) Lenny has a sweet tooth.
(c) Chick cares a great deal about Lenny.
(d) Chick has put no thought into the gift.

3. Chick's tight extra-petite pantyhose suggest:
(a) Lenny has forgotten what size she wears.
(b) Lenny has deliberately bought the wrong size.
(c) She cares about the quality of her clothing.
(d) She cares more about appearance than comfort.

4. Babe explodes at Chick, which indicates:
(a) She is in desperate need of confiding in someone.
(b) She is angry that her sisters have ganged up on her.
(c) She should not have been released from prison.
(d) She is in an emotionally vulnerable state.

5. Chick's continual focus on the shame their mother's suicide brought on the family suggests:
(a) She is the only responsible one in the family.
(b) She is untouched by the situation and doesn't remember much about it.
(c) She is unsympathetic and self-interested.
(d) She is afraid they will forget what happened,.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lenny seems to see herself as:

2. Barnette plans to attribute the shooting to:

3. Lenny begins the play by:

4. Babe is upset when:

5. The photos of Babe and Willy Jay were taken by:

(see the answer key)

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