Creating Short Fiction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Creating Short Fiction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the unconscious mind require?
(a) Characters.
(b) Bias.
(c) Stories.
(d) Information.

2. What should emerge once a story evolves, according to Knight?
(a) Plot.
(b) Tension.
(c) Setting.
(d) Theme.

3. What must a writer accept in order to have adequate sympathy?
(a) The order of the world.
(b) His or her stage in writing development.
(c) His or her own feelings.
(d) His or her own memories.

4. What was the first bad habit that Knight had as a teenager?
(a) He would start with one good sentence and not know what to do next.
(b) He would create great stories but weak titles.
(c) He did not know how to create a character.
(d) He would start with a weak sentence.

5. Which of the following is expected to be true?
(a) Short stories.
(b) Nonfiction.
(c) Dramatic stories.
(d) Fiction.

6. What must the solution to a story evoke?
(a) An impresson.
(b) A sense of conclusion.
(c) Emotion.
(d) Clarity.

7. With which of the following does Knight claim to struggle ?
(a) If it's possible to teach somebody to write.
(b) If it's possible to teach good reading skills.
(c) If it's possible to teach the essence of creativity.
(d) If it's possible to teach the essence of good writing.

8. What was Knight unable to do as a teenager?
(a) Create settings.
(b) Create conflict.
(c) Finish stories.
(d) Create titles.

9. In the writer's mind, what is the hero usually like?
(a) Angry and hostile.
(b) Slow developing.
(c) Perfect.
(d) Flawed intensely.

10. What does Knight describe as being the set of imaginary events designed to create anticipation in the reader?
(a) Setting.
(b) Conflict.
(c) Character.
(d) Plot.

11. What can a writer observe to create empathy?
(a) People.
(b) Television.
(c) Blogs.
(d) Animals.

12. In what type of courses does the author take part ?
(a) Article writing.
(b) Distance learning.
(c) Fiction writing.
(d) Grammar and spelling.

13. What is the fourth stage of the developing writer?
(a) Writer corrects weaknesses.
(b) Writer is discouraged.
(c) Writer learns from professionals.
(d) Writer becomes enthusiastic.

14. What does Knight describe as being the most successful type of writer?
(a) One who has lived outside the classroom.
(b) One who has never set foot in a classroom.
(c) One who knows everything inherently.
(d) One who has spent a lot of time in the classroom.

15. Which of the following is an example of learning to hear?
(a) Have knowledge.
(b) Watch television.
(c) Have a different perspective.
(d) Use details.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Knight, what does a good writer write?

2. What can a writer participate in, in order to learn about empathy?

3. In what field does Knight specialize ?

4. What are the materials in a story?

5. Which book did Vonda McIntyre gain inspiration from for Dreamsnake?

(see the answer keys)

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