What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Ava and Joyce hear while watching Mattie's house?
(a) Imani crying
(b) Frank beating Mattie
(c) hammers and saws being used
(d) gunshots

2. What does Joyce do about the boys when she comes home?
(a) recruits their girlfriend for the Sewing Circus
(b) vandalizes their car
(c) calls their parents
(d) files a police report

3. Where does Ava go when she wakes up?
(a) to the store
(b) to the church
(c) for a morning walk
(d) to the library

4. Why did Ava feel so good about being with Eddie?
(a) she thought she'd never have another boyfriend
(b) she knew he was rich
(c) she wanted to be cared for
(d) she liked his house

5. What has Ava determined to do with Eddie?
(a) avoid him
(b) marry him
(c) stay friends
(d) tell him her HIV status

6. What do Ava and Eddie think about Frank's behavior towards Imani?
(a) Imani probably provoked him
(b) he's was just not thinking
(c) he probably didn't do it
(d) there's no reason for it

7. What does Eddie propose to do about Frank?
(a) he wants to go after him
(b) he wants him to leave town
(c) he thinks he should be in jail
(d) he thinks he should get therapy

8. Who is Tyrone's father?
(a) Joyce's good friend
(b) the minister
(c) the chief of police
(d) the school principal

9. What does Ava what to avoid the day she meets Eddie again?
(a) the Sewing Circus
(b) Gerry Anderson
(c) sleeping with him
(d) Joyce's opinion

10. Why did black people first start coming to Idlewild?
(a) it was a haven from the city
(b) to build an all black community
(c) because the lake was pretty
(d) to form a militant commune

11. How do Ava and Eddie feel when they see each other?
(a) glad
(b) irritated
(c) reserved
(d) indifferent

12. How do Ava and Joyce find Reverend Anderson when they visit him?
(a) apologetic
(b) sick and unconscious
(c) angry and withdrawn
(d) drunk and incoherent

13. What does Eddie do after Johnny Mack's house purchase is completed?
(a) moves into it
(b) helps Johnny move
(c) begins renovations
(d) asks Ava to marry him

14. What does the couple do the night Ava went to his house to talk with him?
(a) watch a movie
(b) meditate in the garden
(c) make love
(d) have dinner

15. What worries Joyce about the break-ins?
(a) she can't fix a door if it's broken
(b) she can't replace broken windows
(c) she can't aford to lose much
(d) the safety of Imani

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the issue finally resolved?

2. What does Eddie want Joyce to do?

3. In what three areas does Joyce want to deal with in the Circus?

4. What does the hospital say after they treat Imani?

5. Why did Ava wake up when a car pulled in at Joyce's?

(see the answer keys)

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