The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who helps Willie after he is attacked?
(a) A homeless man.
(b) A police officer.
(c) A boy who had been watching from the alley.
(d) The bus driver.

2. What is the gang leader doing when Willie approaches?
(a) He is cleaning his fingernails with a switchblade knife.
(b) He is spinning and kicking as he stands on the back of a concrete bench.
(c) He is leaning against the bus stop pole watching Willie approach.
(d) He is shooting pennies against the curb.

3. What does Andre suggest Willie should do in order to make friends at OMLC High School?
(a) He should organize a study group for his next test.
(b) He should just start talking to other kids in his classes.
(c) He should invite some of them over to Lacey's for pizza.
(d) He should try to get into some pick up basketball games.

4. What finally ends the game between Willie and Jack?
(a) Jack scores eleven points, and Willie pats him on the back for a good game.
(b) Willie tells Jack that he cannot do it and walks away.
(c) Jack is upset by a comment from the crowd and forgets all about the game.
(d) Lisa intervenes and sends everyone away.

5. Why is Angel not grateful when Willie comes to her rescue?
(a) She is too frightened to realize that he has helped her.
(b) She knows that Lacey will come after both her and Willie when he wakes up.
(c) She does not like Willie and does not want to "owe" him anything.
(d) She wants to know why he did not interfere sooner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Willie wait in the bathroom for a while after his shower?

2. How does Willie get past Kam when the Jo Boys come back to vandalize the school again in Chapter 19?

3. Why is Willie disappointed when Lacey brings Angel home with him?

4. Why does Kam say that the Jo Boys should leave Willie's cane behind after they beat him up?

5. About what is Jack upset when he bursts into Andre's office?

(see the answer keys)

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