The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Cyril compare Willie's accident?
(a) A race; just because he is behind does not mean the race is finished.
(b) A death; he has lost something and he needs to mourn.
(c) A boxing match; he can throw in the towel or keep fighting.
(d) Any other life challenge; he just has to face it.

2. What causes Willie to sink to the floor of the racquetball court and begin sobbing?
(a) He realizes that his parents are headed for divorce.
(b) His father throws the racket, and Willie realizes he is a disappointment.
(c) Willie realizes that he has not been trying and that he does not want to get better.
(d) He realizes that someone has been watching, and he considers what it must look like to an outsider.

3. What city is Willie's final destination?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Seattle.
(c) Oakland.
(d) Spokane.

4. How does Johnny react when he discovers that Marty has given drugs to Willie?
(a) He grabs Marty and beats him until he is bleeding.
(b) He begins to panic and starts shaking Willie.
(c) He yells at Jenny for not staying with Willie.
(d) He runs for the phone to call for an ambulance.

5. What is special about this trip to Salmon Lake?
(a) It is Mrs. Weaver's first trip to the lake since the death of Willie's sister.
(b) It is the last weekend of the summer that they will be able to get to the lake.
(c) It is the first trip out in Big Will's new boat.
(d) They are celebrating Willie's birthday.

Short Answer Questions

1. What evidence does Jenny give to her aunt to prove that the woman on the religious channel is not really crying?

2. How does Willie feel about his job as manager for the girls' basketball team?

3. Why does Willie not want to take the sleep medication that his doctor has prescribed?

4. What accusation does Willie hurl at Jenny at the end of Chapter 9?

5. How does Johnny Rivers convince the English teacher to let him tell his joke?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Big Will suggest to Willie that he savor every moment leading up to the Crazy Horse Electric game?

2. Why does Hawk attack Kam?

3. Why does Big Will get angry with Willie on the racquetball court?

4. According to Andre, why is OMLC a better choice for Willie than public high school?

5. What details make Willie's final play of the Crazy Horse Electric game legendary?

6. What makes Willie think that Lacey might help him even though he says he wants him out the next day?

7. Why does Lisa offer to help Willie?

8. What evidence at the beginning of Chapter 2 suggests that Willie and his father, Big Will, enjoy taking risks?

9. What is the topic of the argument that Willie overhears between his parents?

10. How does Sal Whitworth's comment about "I'm catching on..." affect Willie?

(see the answer keys)

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