The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Willie get past Kam when the Jo Boys come back to vandalize the school again in Chapter 19?
(a) Willie rushes past him in the smoke.
(b) He hits him twice with his cane, once in the crotch and then on his collarbone.
(c) Kam leaves because the smoke is too overwhelming.
(d) Willie pulls the fire alarm and slips past him while he is distracted.

2. Why do the Jo Boys attack Willie?
(a) He looks like someone who owes them money.
(b) Willie tries to hide some of his money when they rob him.
(c) They think that Willie has called the police.
(d) They enjoy hurting other people, especially those who are weak.

3. What is Willie doing as he waits for Hawk and Kato to arrive?
(a) He is trying to write a letter home to his mom and dad.
(b) He is reading a novel that Lisa recommended.
(c) He is trying to finish his math homework.
(d) He is painting over the latest bit of graffiti.

4. What does Willie find inside the school that terrifies him?
(a) A note that threatens to destroy the school builing.
(b) Broken windows and overturned garbage cans.
(c) A homemade bomb.
(d) Graffiti spray painted on the walls by the same gang that beat him up the year before.

5. Why does Willie refuse to leave Lacey's house even after Andre offers to let him sleep at the school?
(a) He does not like the idea of sleeping at school.
(b) He feels like he needs to protect Lacey from himself.
(c) He wants to learn Lacey's business so that he can help him later on.
(d) He feels that Lacey likes him and that leaving would be a betrayal.

6. What had prevented Hawk from meeting Willie at school as they had planned on the night of the fire?
(a) His mother would not let him leave until she got home from work.
(b) He was trying to defend his family against his brother, but came as soon as he could.
(c) He was picked up by the police for possession of marijuana.
(d) His watch was broken and he had the time confused.

7. Why is the school's fire alarm essentially useless?
(a) The fire alarm has no connection to the fire department and can only be heard within the school.
(b) When Willie pulls it, nothing happens.
(c) The alarm is so old that Willie is not even sure that it works.
(d) The fire has already burned through its connection to the emergency dispatch.

8. Why is Willie disappointed when Lacey brings Angel home with him?
(a) Willie has noticed her at school and is sad when he realizes she is a prostitute.
(b) Willie has only made enough dinner for two.
(c) Willie was looking forward to hanging out with Lacey.
(d) Willie does not trust Angel and is upset that Lacey would interact with her.

9. According to Willie, how has his loss affected his perspective on life?
(a) He realizes that the only person's happiness that matters is his own.
(b) His life is more valuable to him now because he of everything he has lost.
(c) He realizes that if he works hard enough, he can be the same Willie that he was before.
(d) He realizes that he should not have been so hard on his parents.

10. What has Willie learned from Lisa about dancing?
(a) Men do not have to be good dancers.
(b) Move from the center, and if the music is too fast, cut the beat in half.
(c) Swaying from side to side is a good substitute for real dancing.
(d) It does not matter how you move, only that you move.

11. Why does Willie go back for Kam when the school is on fire?
(a) He wants to be sure that Kam is punished for his crimes.
(b) He knows that it is the right thing to do because Kam will die if he does not.
(c) He sees this as his opportunity to be a hero again.
(d) Deep down, he knows that Kam is actually a good person.

12. What is the gang leader doing when Willie approaches?
(a) He is spinning and kicking as he stands on the back of a concrete bench.
(b) He is cleaning his fingernails with a switchblade knife.
(c) He is shooting pennies against the curb.
(d) He is leaning against the bus stop pole watching Willie approach.

13. Why does Willie not paint over the graffiti a second time?
(a) He is afraid to hang around inside the building by himself.
(b) He thinks it is pointless to paint over it if they are just going to come in again.
(c) He leaves it for others to see so that they will get angry and want revenge.
(d) He knows that he should not tamper with evidence.

14. Where do the boys at OMLC High School get the tuxedos for their graduation ceremony?
(a) The California Deaprtment of Education provides them.
(b) The school keeps a collection of tuxedos to loan out to students.
(c) Each student rents his own tuxedo, but they must be sure to match.
(d) Andre makes a deal with Henson's Formal Wear.

15. How does the bus driver try to help Willie when he realizes that the Jo Boys are after him?
(a) He jams the back door so that they cannot get out right away.
(b) He threatens to hurt the gang members if they do not leave Willie alone.
(c) He agrees to let Willie off at a police station rather than a regular stop.
(d) He calls the police on his radio after the Jo Boys get off the bus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Willie agree to play basketball with Jack?

2. Why does Willie not question Lisa when she tells him to ask Lacey for a hundred and forty dollars?

3. What is Willie's first impression of Andre Porter?

4. What kind of basketball player is Lisa?

5. Why is Angel not grateful when Willie comes to her rescue?

(see the answer keys)

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