The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Willie's first motorcycle ride with his father?
(a) When Willie was just a baby.
(b) Just after the death of Willie's sister.
(c) After Willie's first baseball game.
(d) This is his first ride with his father.

2. Why does Willie linger in the locker room after Jenny's basketball game?
(a) He is waiting for the crowd to leave so that no one will see him leave.
(b) He is stalling because he does not want to have to go out and congratulate Jenny.
(c) Being in the locker room makes Willie feel close to a sport that he loves.
(d) The girls' celebration after the game left a huge mess in the locker room.

3. How does Willie's father react when he found out that Willie had taken acid?
(a) He is disappointed, but understands and forgives Willie.
(b) He is angry and loses control of his anger in a way that Willie had never seen.
(c) He is disappointed and blames himself for Willie's unhappiness.
(d) He blames Willie's friends and refuses to allow Willie to see them again.

4. What caused the death of Willie's sister?
(a) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
(b) She fell down the stairs and broke her neck.
(c) She died in a house fire.
(d) She was strangled by the cords on the blinds on her window.

5. Which characters accompany Willie when he goes to speak to Mr. Samson?
(a) Petey Shropshire and Jenny Blackburn.
(b) Eddie Single and Petey Shropshire.
(c) Jenny Blackburn and Coach Ivy.
(d) Johnny Rivers and Max Craig.

6. Why does Jenny jump into the water after Willie's accident?
(a) She is the closest to Willie and goes in right away to save him.
(b) She sees that Big Will is in shock and does not know what to do to save Willie.
(c) Big Will calls for her help because he does know CPR.
(d) She panics and rushes in to get to Willie.

7. Why do Willie and his father wear helmets when they ride the motorcycle?
(a) Willie's father is concerned about safety and requires all riders to wear a helmet.
(b) Willie had a friend who was killed in a motorcycle accident, so he always wears his helmet.
(c) The state law requires them to wear helmets, but they wouldn't wear them otherwise.
(d) They only wear them to make Mrs. Weaver happy, and they take them off when they get around the corner.

8. Who joins Willie's family on the trip to the lake?
(a) Petey Shropshire and Jenny Blackburn.
(b) Max Craig and Jenny Blackburn.
(c) Johnny Rivers and Petey Shropshire.
(d) Johnny Rivers and Jenny Blackburn.

9. Why does Mr. Walker ask Willie to be the team-manager for girls' basketball?
(a) He thinks that being around athletics will make Willie feel better.
(b) He has heard that Willie is interested in the job.
(c) Willie's father has asked Mr. Walker to offer the job to Willie.
(d) He knows that Willie has an extensive knowledge of basketball.

10. Why does Willie not want Jenny Blackburn to call him a baseball hero?
(a) He is embarrassed about the way that the last game turned out.
(b) It is football season now, not baseball season.
(c) He wants her to call him "boyfriend" instead.
(d) He is being modest and does not want to call attention to himself.

11. Where has Jenny Blackburn been for the two weeks before school begins?
(a) She and her family were on vacation, visiting her aunt.
(b) She and her family were at the beach.
(c) She was at camp, working as a counselor.
(d) She was at home, but did not feel like talking to anyone.

12. What does Willie leave behind in the snow when he leaves school?
(a) His tape recorder.
(b) A towel from the locker room.
(c) His cane.
(d) His books.

13. Why does Big Will want Willie to stop wearing his LURCH and QUASIMODO shirts?
(a) Big Will resents the influence that Cyril has on Willie.
(b) Big Will does not understand the humor in the shirts.
(c) Big Will is embarrassed by the shirts.
(d) Big Will says that Willie is on his way back.

14. Why does Willie agree to try racquetball even though he feels like he might be setting himself up for another failure?
(a) Willie is tired of hiding out at home and feels ready to try something new.
(b) Willie hopes that he and Jenny might be able to play racquetball together sometime.
(c) Willie hopes that success in racquetball might open up other sports to him.
(d) He knows that Big Will has made up his mind, and Willie is happy that his father seems to be interested in him again.

15. Why does Willie not want to take the sleep medication that his doctor has prescribed?
(a) He does not like the idea of taking any medication.
(b) He thinks that by taking it, he admits that he is too weak.
(c) He does not like the way he feels in the morning.
(d) He does not trust the doctor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with Wilie's final pitch in the Crazy Horse Electric game?

2. What keeps Willie from acting like a cocky kid?

3. How does Johnny Rivers feel about being a junior?

4. What city is Willie's final destination?

5. According to Willie's dad, how does a pitcher show respect to a powerful hitter?

(see the answer keys)

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