The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Big Will react when he regains control of himself and realizes that he has pushed Willie too far?
(a) He apologizes and promises not to push him so hard next time.
(b) He speaks calmly, but sternly to Willie and tells him to stop acting like a girl.
(c) He is embarrassed and tries to get Willie off the court before anyone sees him.
(d) He tries to rationalize his behavior by telling Willie that it was for the best.

2. What kind of program brings Cyril Wheat to Coho, Montana?
(a) The local Lutheran church sponsors him so that he can provide therapy for teens in trouble.
(b) He is a psychology students from a local college that provides free therapy.
(c) The state of Montana sends him one day per week to five different small towns to provide mental health services.
(d) The Salvation Army pays for him to provide therapy to impoverished teenagers.

3. Why does Lacey call Willie by the name "Chief"?
(a) It is Lacey's playful way of making fun of Willie's disbility.
(b) He assumes that anyone from Montana must be part Indian.
(c) The name comes from Willie's cane, which has the name "Crazy Horse" on it.
(d) Lacey calls everyone "Chief."

4. How does Cyril Wheat explain Willie's feelings toward Jenny?
(a) Willie has no right to feel angry with her and he should learn to change.
(b) Willie probably does not care for Jenny as much as he thinks he does.
(c) Deep down, Willie knows that she does not care for him the same way.
(d) It is just a normal part of Willie adjusting to the changes in his life.

5. What does Johnny say that finally causes Sal Whitworth to lose his composure?
(a) Johnny makes a comment about Sal's big nose.
(b) Johnny makes a comment about Sal's sister.
(c) Johnny makes a comment about Sal's struggle with dyslexia.
(d) Johnny makes a comment about Sal's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Lacey agree to let Willie stay?

2. What does Willie do to try to help himself get to sleep?

3. Why are Willie's arms and head trapped when he falls into the water?

4. What is Willie's agreement with Andre regarding P.E. class?

5. Why does Willie run in the morning before sunrise?

(see the answer key)

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