The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Willie run in the morning before sunrise?
(a) He does not want anyone to see how difficult and awkward running is for him.
(b) He needs to run early so that he is not late for school.
(c) It is safer for him to run when there are fewer cars on the roads.
(d) He hopes to run into Jenny while he is out since she runs early, too.

2. What advice does Big Will give to Willie regarding his poor pass in the last football game?
(a) "Never do less than your best just because you're playing an inferior team."
(b) "Always visualize the path the ball should take before you release your throw."
(c) "Any son of mine will not embarrass me with another poor play like that."
(d) "Life is too short to make bad passes."

3. Why does Willie agree to try racquetball even though he feels like he might be setting himself up for another failure?
(a) Willie hopes that success in racquetball might open up other sports to him.
(b) Willie is tired of hiding out at home and feels ready to try something new.
(c) He knows that Big Will has made up his mind, and Willie is happy that his father seems to be interested in him again.
(d) Willie hopes that he and Jenny might be able to play racquetball together sometime.

4. What does Johnny Rivers do in the bottom of the fifth inning in order to highlight the strength of Willie's pitching?
(a) He soaks his catching hand in ice between batters.
(b) He falls over backward when one of Willie's pitches hits his glove.
(c) He begs Willie to take it easy on him.
(d) He stuffs his catcher's mitt with socks because he says Willie is throwing so hard.

5. To what does Cyril compare Willie's accident?
(a) Any other life challenge; he just has to face it.
(b) A boxing match; he can throw in the towel or keep fighting.
(c) A race; just because he is behind does not mean the race is finished.
(d) A death; he has lost something and he needs to mourn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What advice does Cyril give Willie to help him deal with the dreams that he has been having?

2. What is Willie's first mistake of the Crazy Horse Electric game?

3. What is Willie doing as he is rushed to the hospital?

4. How long has Mr. Samson's rose logo been on his shop's sign?

5. Ever since his accident, how does Willie feel when people smile at him?

(see the answer key)

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