Crazy Weekend: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy Weekend: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why had Hector's mother cried when she discovered that Hector left her car idling?
(a) She thought Hector was inside the car.
(b) She didn't have money for more gas.
(c) She didn't have an extra key to unlock the car.
(d) She thought Hector was turning into a bad kid.

2. Where is Uncle Julio going to take the boys when they finish at the mall?
(a) The movies.
(b) An ice cream store.
(c) Julio's apartment.
(d) The beach.

3. Freddie and Huey had pretended to be ________________ when talking to Stewart.
(a) teachers.
(b) mechanics.
(c) farmers.
(d) salesmen.

4. What is Vicky's last name?
(a) Morales.
(b) Estefan.
(c) Moreno.
(d) Rodriguez.

5. What is the profession of Julio's landlord?
(a) Editor.
(b) Chiropractor.
(c) Salesman.
(d) Attorney.

6. Why is Julio going to Vicky's house after he drops off the boys?
(a) To listen to music.
(b) To have a glass of wine.
(c) To fix her leaky faucet.
(d) To be interviewed for an article.

7. What time is Julio having dinner with Vicky?
(a) 9 pm.
(b) 5 pm.
(c) 7 pm.
(d) 8 pm.

8. Why does Julio want to delay the event in #117?
(a) He does not want to ruin his evening with Vicky.
(b) His back is feeling fine now.
(c) There is plenty of time to make the bus.
(d) He is not hungry yet.

9. What does Mando tell Hector that they need?
(a) Bus tickets.
(b) An escape plan.
(c) A getaway car.
(d) A cell phone.

10. How much is the reward for catching the robbers?
(a) $1,000.
(b) $25,000.
(c) $5,000.
(d) $500.

11. Who is the first to recognize Freddie after the robbers leave Dr. Femur's office?
(a) Hector.
(b) Julio.
(c) Mando.
(d) Dr. Femur.

12. What do Hector and Mando throw at Huey's foot to injure him?
(a) A lamp.
(b) A bowling ball.
(c) The answering machine.
(d) A table.

13. Hector and Mando see two cute girls doing what at the mall?
(a) Eating cotton candy.
(b) Buying shoes.
(c) Sipping lattes.
(d) Flirting with them.

14. What kind of car do Freddie and Huey steal for their third vehicle?
(a) Volkswagen.
(b) Buick.
(c) Fiat.
(d) Oldsmobile.

15. What do Hector and Mando position at the stairwell?
(a) Pots of boiling spaghetti.
(b) Three jugs of fabric softener.
(c) Open cans of motor oil.
(d) An aquarium full of marbles and water.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hector recalls that the last time he was in this much trouble he had started his mother's car and _________________.

2. What happens to Julio's car on the way to dinner?

3. What does Julio think this might be his last evening to do?

4. What time is it when the police arrive at Julio's apartment?

5. What does Freddie tell Huey to do so they can get in to see Dr. Femur?

(see the answer keys)

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