Crazy They Call Me Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy They Call Me Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Paragraph 7 says that Lady Day would stay longer if only she did not have to do what?
(a) Pay her bills.
(b) Cook dinner.
(c) Go on dates.
(d) Clean her house.

2. Paragraph 9 ends by saying Lady Day paints her face as a form of what?
(a) Protection.
(b) Self care.
(c) Pretending.
(d) Self destruction.

3. What does Lady Day call the men who offer to walk her to the club in paragraph 8?
(a) Men-in-waiting.
(b) Chaperons.
(c) Sycophants.
(d) Dear boys.

4. Why do dogs remind Lady Day of herself?
(a) They give everything they have.
(b) They cheat and lie.
(c) They love to run.
(d) They sleep during the day.

5. What does the speaker say some people would do to a dog like Pepi "just for something to do" (para. 6)?
(a) Kick her.
(b) Pet her.
(c) Scold her.
(d) Steal her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the people who offer to walk Lady Day to the club worried might happen if they do not?

2. At which point does Lady Day think "all is forgiven" (para. 8) during a show?

3. Who does the speaker say can be "crazier than a box of frogs" in paragraphs 5 of "Crazy They Call Me"?

4. What happened to the big dog Lady Day used to have?

5. What word does the speaker use to describe Lady Day's hair and make-up in paragraph 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the makeup and hair Lady Day wears described in paragraph 9? What is it meant to do?

2. Why do you think Lady Day's relationships with other women did not last?

3. Who do you think Tallulah is and how is she described in paragraph 5?

4. In what ways does the speaker excuse the singer even if she is late for a performance in paragraph 8?

5. According to paragraph 9, what feedback did the singer receive after losing weight?

6. What situation is described in paragraph 6 that involved Pepi being the only thing would could save Lady Day?

7. How is Lady Day's relationship with babies described in paragraph 7?

8. Paragraph 7 says that most would not guess that Lady Day was what?

9. Who are the "business-minded fellows" waiting for Lady Day in paragraph 8 and why are they there?

10. In what ways does the speaker compare Lady Day to her dog Pepi?

(see the answer keys)

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