Crazy They Call Me Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy They Call Me Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word does the speaker use to describe Lady Day's hair and make-up in paragraph 9?
(a) Shield.
(b) Facade.
(c) Fake.
(d) Armor.

2. Who is said to be "too good for this world" at the end of paragraph 6?
(a) Men.
(b) Singers.
(c) Women.
(d) Dogs.

3. What does the speaker say Lady Day and her dog Pepi are?
(a) Arch enemies.
(b) Best friends.
(c) Soul mates.
(d) Perfect strangers.

4. What does the speaker mean in paragraph 5 when she says, "There was no way to be in the world like that, not back then"?
(a) Being a single parent was seen as disgraceful.
(b) Being openly gay was not accepted at that time.
(c) People disliked independent Black women.
(d) Interracial relationships were illegal.

5. What are the people who offer to walk Lady Day to the club worried might happen if they do not?
(a) She will get mugged.
(b) She might be late.
(c) She will get lost.
(d) She will skip the show.

6. What did Pepi do to bring Lady Day back to life after others had failed?
(a) She licked her eye socket.
(b) She nibbled her toes.
(c) She bit her wrist.
(d) She barked in her ear.

7. What trait do dogs and Lady Day share that the speaker refers to as "a big risk" (para. 6)?
(a) They are wide open to the world.
(b) They lie and cheat.
(c) They bark at strangers.
(d) They trust strangers easily.

8. Who does the speaker say can be "crazier than a box of frogs" in paragraphs 5 of "Crazy They Call Me"?
(a) Fans.
(b) Agents.
(c) Ladies.
(d) Men.

9. At which point does Lady Day think "all is forgiven" (para. 8) during a show?
(a) When people who complain get to meet her backstage.
(b) When the audience thinks she has performed well.
(c) When the audience gets their money back.
(d) As soon as she starts to sing.

10. What can Lady Day do when she sees a baby according to paragraph 7?
(a) Make it cry.
(b) Sing it to sleep.
(c) Make it smile from across the room.
(d) Soothe it with her voice.

11. Who is referred to as "that wild girl" in paragraph 5?
(a) Lolah.
(b) Lolita.
(c) Tilly.
(d) Tallulah.

12. What happened to the big dog Lady Day used to have?
(a) She died.
(b) She ran away.
(c) She gave her to an ex-lover.
(d) She gave her to a fan.

13. What phrase is used to describe Lady Day's near death experience in paragraph 6?
(a) Hanging off the pearly gates.
(b) Hand and hand with God.
(c) Floating toward the heavens.
(d) Flying to the great white light.

14. What type of alcoholic beverage does Lady Day's "dear boys" make her?
(a) Highballs.
(b) Gin and tonics.
(c) Martinis.
(d) Manhattans.

15. What does Lady Day no longer wear in her hair that Billie used to?
(a) Gardenias.
(b) Chrysanthemum.
(c) Daisies.
(d) Lillies.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did someone describe Lady Day's face after she "got skinny" according to paragraph 9?

2. Where is Lady Day said to be "not afraid to look for love" in paragraph 5?

3. Paragraph 7 starts by saying that Lady Day can be the most wonderful what "when the mood takes" her?

4. Why do dogs remind Lady Day of herself?

5. What does the speaker say Lady Day will do after opening her vanity case at the start of paragraph 6?

(see the answer keys)

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