Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Vernon's response when Ben says Maxine is looking for him at the beginning of chapter 28?
(a) That she can write a letter.
(b) That she can call.
(c) That he'll go over to see her.
(d) That he doesn't care what she has to say.

2. What does Maxine have in her hand when Vernon arrives to take him shopping?
(a) A bowl of cereal.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) A comb and a bar of soap.
(d) A bottle of liquor.

3. What is the first thing Ronald and Vernon do after they're registered?
(a) Get Cokes and hot dogs.
(b) Change into their official t-shirts.
(c) Look for Miss Marlow.
(d) Make a practice walk around the track.

4. What does Bobby's mom make as a treat for the boys while they're watching television?
(a) Sandwiches.
(b) Popcorn.
(c) Dinner.
(d) A carrot cake.

5. Where does Miss Annie say Maxine and Ronald have gone?
(a) Downtown.
(b) For Ronald's doctor's visit.
(c) To visit a relative.
(d) To Ronald's school.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the seeds does Miss Annie say has to be sowed "with a sweeping motion" in dirt as fine as sand?

2. What does Vernon give Ronald while they're working on the garden?

3. Who is waiting outside the shoe store?

4. Maxine interrupts the church service and as she's being led out, what does she say Ronald needs more than anything else?

5. What is Maxine's last name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ben's mention of the library make Vernon remember and why does it make him change his mind about letting Ben and Sandra read his book?

2. What is the conversation between Vernon and Maxine when Vernon tells her about the situation in front of the lady's house with all the junk in the yard?

3. What are some of the instructions Miss Annie gives Vernon as he's planting the garden?

4. Describe the scene in which the boys are trying to help Ronald find the perfect shoes.

5. How does Jerry's dad become acquainted with Miss Marlow?

6. Describe the letter Vernon writes to Miss Marlow.

7. What does Miss Annie say about her time watching television with Maxine and Ronald the previous day?

8. What does the man at the clothing store say about Ronald?

9. What is on television that prompts the argument between Vernon and Maxine in chapter 20 and what does Maxine say about it that makes Vernon mad?

10. What is Vernon thinking when Steph arrives home that night?

(see the answer keys)

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