Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the trick Vernon teaches Brownie?
(a) To roll over.
(b) To jump onto the couch.
(c) To sit.
(d) To shake hands.

2. What does Bobby's mom make as a treat for the boys while they're watching television?
(a) Dinner.
(b) Sandwiches.
(c) A carrot cake.
(d) Popcorn.

3. What is Vernon's response when Ben says Maxine is looking for him at the beginning of chapter 28?
(a) That he'll go over to see her.
(b) That she can call.
(c) That she can write a letter.
(d) That he doesn't care what she has to say.

4. Who is waiting outside the shoe store?
(a) Bobby, Chris and Jerry.
(b) A lot of little kids who want to watch .
(c) Mr. Murphy and Vernon's dad.
(d) Miss Annie and Maxine.

5. What does Steph ask of Vernon as soon as he gets home?
(a) To cook supper.
(b) To watch Ben and Sandra.
(c) To help with the zipper on her dress.
(d) To pick her up a pair of pantyhose from Milt's.

6. What does Maxine have in her hand when Vernon arrives to take him shopping?
(a) A bowl of cereal.
(b) A comb and a bar of soap.
(c) A bottle of liquor.
(d) A newspaper.

7. Where does Miss Annie say Maxine and Ronald have gone?
(a) To Ronald's school.
(b) For Ronald's doctor's visit.
(c) To visit a relative.
(d) Downtown.

8. What is the favor Steph asks of Tony?
(a) To borrow money for pantyhose.
(b) To help with the laundry.
(c) To take care of Ben and Sandra.
(d) To do homework for her.

9. Where does Vernon put his homework when he arrives at Miss Annie's in chapter 22?
(a) On the kitchen table.
(b) On the coffee table.
(c) On the couch.
(d) In Miss Annie's hand.

10. What are the first words Miss Annie says when Vernon arrives for his lesson in chapter 22?
(a) You're late.
(b) You're right on time.
(c) You're early.
(d) The seeds arrived.

11. What is it Vernon's dad says he wants Vernon to teach him?
(a) To read.
(b) To do the trick to make money disappear.
(c) To repair ten-speed bicycles.
(d) To speak French.

12. Maxine interrupts the church service and as she's being led out, what does she say Ronald needs more than anything else?
(a) Love.
(b) Prayer.
(c) A bicycle.
(d) A family.

13. Who does Jerry say called his father the previous night?
(a) His aunt.
(b) Maxine.
(c) Miss Marlow.
(d) A woman from Social Services.

14. Who is Jimmy?
(a) A bagger at the A&P who is taking Steph out.
(b) Vernon's cousin who's coming for a visit.
(c) A friend of Ben's who got in trouble.
(d) Jerry's oldest brother.

15. Where does Miss Marlow say Ronald is going to live?
(a) A special school.
(b) North Carolina.
(c) California.
(d) A state hospital.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Vernon's day say Tony had a welt the day after Vernon and Tony fought?

2. What is Maxine having for dinner on Sunday in chapter 20?

3. What are Mitchell and Ben "singing" when Vernon arrives home in chapter 24?

4. What does Ronald kick when Vernon and Maxine are arguing?

5. What chore does Vernon's dad say they are all going to take turns doing?

(see the answer keys)

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