Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Custer have his photo taken with in the Black Hills?
(a) Two elk.
(b) Inyan Kara.
(c) Grizzly bear.
(d) Band of Oglalas with the Red Cloud Agency.

2. What do Sioux call the Black Hills?
(a) Pa Sapa.
(b) Arikaras.
(c) Santee.
(d) Holy Hills.

3. At the Battle of Washita, what tune did Custer have the band play?
(a) Taps.
(b) Garry Owen.
(c) Revele.
(d) When the Saints Go Marching In.

4. Who was placed in charge of the Department of the Mississippi?
(a) Colonel Taylor.
(b) Colonel Carrington.
(c) General Tecumseh.
(d) Major General Sherman.

5. In what city did Custer and his wife have their portraits painted in Chapter 14?
(a) St. Louis.
(b) Memphis.
(c) Houston.
(d) New Orleans.

6. What was Carrington's Achilles' heel?
(a) Need for water.
(b) Need for wood.
(c) Poor commanding officers.
(d) Horses.

7. Where did Crazy Horse mourn his daughter's death for three days and nights?
(a) Shoshoni country.
(b) Crow Country.
(c) Black Hills.
(d) Powder River.

8. Who blocked Custer's path on the north side of the river with approximately 1,500 Hunkpapas?
(a) Two Moons.
(b) Sitting Bull.
(c) He Dog.
(d) Gall.

9. One of the boys who listened to Crazy Horse tell stories became a famous holy man. Who was it?
(a) Geronimo.
(b) Fool Crow.
(c) Black Kettle.
(d) Black Elk.

10. What does Custer take a resolution to not do anymore in 1869?
(a) Drink.
(b) Stay away from Libbie.
(c) Smoke.
(d) Gamble.

11. When E.B. Taylor met with Red Cloud, what did he raise the annual annuities to?
(a) $100,000.
(b) $50,000.
(c) $75,000.
(d) $60,000.

12. Which Native American scout remained with Custer as he first entered the Black Hills in 1874?
(a) Still Water.
(b) Worm.
(c) Medicine Bill.
(d) Bloody Knife.

13. In 1867, a Missouri senator complains about the Indian wars costing the government at least how much daily?
(a) $100,000.
(b) $150,000.
(c) $50,000.
(d) $250,000.

14. In Chapter 16, who says that he's ready for peace?
(a) Custer.
(b) Crazy Horse.
(c) Red Cloud.
(d) Sherman.

15. Who has Custer arrested on the Yellowstone campaign?
(a) Grant.
(b) Sherman.
(c) Lieutenant Stanley.
(d) Sheridan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Crazy Horse's daughter called?

2. What Oglala enters Custer's camp soon after Custer arrives in Nebraska?

3. What did Medicine Arrow do to give Custer bad luck?

4. Who had Reno's men on the run?

5. When do Custer and Crazy Horse first fight in the same battle?

(see the answer keys)

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