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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How many of Harjo's mother's children attended her second wedding ceremony?
2. How old was Harjo's sister Margaret when Harjo awoke to find her stepfather holding Margaret up in the air by one leg?
3. A poem included at the start of the part entitled North states that "the door to the mind should open only from the" (46) what?
4. What was NOT a symptom of polio Harjo displayed in her youth?
5. What action did Harjo's stepfather threaten to take once he had promised to kill Harjo's mother and children if she ever took a particular action?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe "the small moment" when "the earthy delight of being five years old," for Harjo, "came falling down" (41).
2. Discuss two instances when the force Harjo calls "the knowing" (71) somehow assisted her.
3. How are the themes of risk and reward depicted within the part of the text entitled North?
4. What is the significance of the song entitled "Weeping Willow" (34)?
5. In what unique way does Harjo reveal events that occurred prior to her birth and what does she hope to achieve?
6. Name and discuss two themes that emerge within the epigraph of the memoir Crazy Brave.
7. What sort of coping mechanisms does Harjo portray as detrimental, rather than helpful?
8. Which member of Harjo's family was born with a caul over her face and what is the significance of this fact?
9. For what reason did Harjo associate beauty with danger in her early childhood?
10. Soon after Harjo's family moved to the house on Independence Street, Harjo awoke to the sound of her sister crying. What was going on?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How do the themes of oppression and brutality function within the memoir Crazy Brave and what is Harjo’s message regarding these themes?
Essay Topic 2
Analyze Harjo's choice to use a variety of different storytelling methods over the course of her memoir, including one italicized story within the part of the text entitled North, which Harjo openly classifies as "partially fictionalized" (78).
Essay Topic 3
How do the themes of deception and secrecy function within Crazy Brave and what is Harjo’s message regarding these themes?
This section contains 1,336 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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