Crazy Brave Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Crazy Brave Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through West.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what reason did the music teacher prohibit Harjo from playing a particular instrument?
(a) Because she was not old enough.
(b) Because she had no rhythm.
(c) Because she had not asked permission first.
(d) Because she had already had a turn.

2. Which person threatened Harjo with physical harm if she ever sang inside the house again?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her stepfather.
(c) Her biological father.
(d) Her brother Allen.

3. What action did Harjo's stepfather threaten to take once he had promised to kill Harjo's mother and children if she ever took a particular action?
(a) Burn them.
(b) Leave them in the desert.
(c) Bury them in the backyard.
(d) Dump them in the ocean.

4. Harjo recalls coming home to find her siblings terrified at having just witnessed which person force their mother to play Russian roulette with a loaded gun?
(a) Harjo's stepfather.
(b) Lupita.
(c) Allen.
(d) Harjo's biological father.

5. In what state did Harjo begin to attend the high school called the Institute of American Indian Arts?
(a) Kansas.
(b) Nebraska.
(c) Texas.
(d) New Mexico.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what season of the year did a friend of Harjo's suggest that she take an acting class?

2. Who or what does Harjo now believe was the source of her decision to take an acting class?

3. Harjo says that she started school at the Institute of American Indian Arts, she was "fresh from escaping the emotional" what "of her childhood" (73)?

4. Harjo states that her mother-in-law used what sort of tactic to try to expel her from the house?

5. In what city did did Harjo begin to attend the Institute of American Indian Arts?

(see the answer key)

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